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Desmond Wolfe and Why He Deserves a TNA World Title Run

Posted by John Betschel On October - 26 - 2010

Desmond Wolfe first made his appearance in TNA on Oct. 22, 2009, during an interview with Kurt Angle, he went on to say how big of a fan he was of Angle's and has been following his career since the 1996 Olympics.

Wolfe then proceeded to beat the crap out of Angle, making a definite impact, you could say. This started a feud between which led to some of the best matches ever in TNA.

The two would go back and forth, with Wolfe winning the first three encounters, leading to a three degrees of pain match, which I feel was the best match of 2009.

That was the match that really showcased Wolfe's skills, as he went tit for tat with Angle, which...

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