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Hernandez: Future World Champion?

Posted by Tom Clark On July - 24 - 2010

Hernandez. “Supermex.” Standing 6-foot-2 and tipping the scales at a well muscled 285 pounds, Hernandez is quicker on his feet than any big man in TNA.

He’s got the look. He’s got the crowd. But, will he ever have the title?

It’s a tough road to the top in TNA. After all, the locker room is full of talent who have a history of headlining.

Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Sting, AJ Styles, just to name a handful. All of these guys have been at the top of the business; all have been World Champions. And all are currently employed by TNA.

It’s not an impossible task. After all, pro wrestling is a business of opportunities, and it all depends on the proper push at...

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