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Nexus and The Corre: Is This Just a Ruse For a Total Takeover?

Posted by Matt Offermann On January - 24 - 2011

The once whole Nexus has been split in two. The "New" Nexus and The Corre are the outcomes of the total split.

CM Punk is the leader of the New Neus with Otunga, Mcguilicutty, Harris and apparently " Batista 2.0," Mason Ryan. Wade Barrett is the leader of The Corre, along with Gabriel, Slater and Big Zeke. Okay, so enough with the obvious, I will get to the point.

After Barrett left, or got kicked out of the Nexus by CM Punk, we all thought that a feud was in the making. After a few weeks we see that Punk's Neus has a thing going with Cena and Barrett apparently has one with The Big Show.

Of course, it is pretty obvious that the feud was g...

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