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Pro Wrestling: 25 of the Most Iconic Moments in Wrestling History

Posted by Cec Van Galini On February - 17 - 2011

It is sometimes easy to forget that wrestling has a history. Many view it simply as a fake soap opera with no real substance. And yet like many other sports, it does have a heritage, a tradition and a past.

Fans who have watched for years grow up with respective superstars; they watch them debut, develop, grow and eventually retire.

There are some, however, who do not get to retire, and we have experienced the grief of losing superstars, many of whom died before their time. Accidents, drug overdoses, heart attacks and murders...wrestling has had more than its fair share.

But there are also moments of history that are great sporting achievements. Snapshots of pure athleticism, of pure guts and glory, sheer brilliance. ...

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