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UFC Primed to Hurt Upcoming WWE Pay-Per-View’s Buyrate (Again)

Posted by Big Nasty On August - 2 - 2010

The WWE's time honored SummerSlam pay-per-view emanates from Los Angeles, California (Big Nasty Country) Sunday, August 15.  The decision to hold the pay-per-view from the Staples Center every year, made in 2009, adds to the tradition and prestige of one of the WWE's oldest and most anticipated pay-per-view franchises. 

In recent years, the WWE has placed added emphasis on their annual summer event. Waiting for approximately one month from the date of the previous event to hold the pay-per-view in order to extend the build-up period, as well as holding a WWE Fan Axxess event (similar to the Fan Axxess events held during the week leading up to WrestleMania) as SummerSlam approaches, the WWE has done everything in its powe...

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