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Why Jillian Hall Should Be Pushed By the WWE

Posted by Chris B On July - 27 - 2010

Hello Bleacherreport! It's been a long time since I've done a free-form article so bear with me. Today, as stated in the title, I'm going to discuss why Jillian Hall should be pushed by the WWE. We all know she's infamously misused, but is it deserved? I think not. And this is why:



Jillian has to be the most decorated Diva on the roster in terms of the Indy scene. Hell, she could even give men a run for their money! That says a lot, and from the get go you can tell she's packing talent. She was one hot free agent back then, but now WWE's snatced her up...



Jillian is bursting with this stuff. Anything and everything she...

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