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WWE: Randy Orton Vs. John Cena in Raw Roulette

Posted by John Canton On September - 14 - 2010

Live from Cincinnati, Ohio, this is the Raw Deal…

We start with Randy Orton and John Cena facing off backstage in front of the Raw Roulette wheel. They spin the wheel to determine the stipulation on their match later.

No wait, Eve spins it. That's why she makes the big bucks!

It ends up being a Tables Match. Orton walks away (actually, he slithers) while Josh points out that the last time Cena was in a Tables match, he lost the title to Sheamus (at the TLC PPV). Cena says no worries because he's feeling lucky tonight.

It's the Season Premiere of Raw. Whatever the hell that means. It's also the 902nd episode, if that matters....

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