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WWE’s Chris Masters: His Time Has Finally Come, but How Does It Happen?

Posted by Matt Offermann On February - 4 - 2011

Del Rio Wins the Rumble. Is it Sting or is it The Undertaker? These are the two most common articles on BR lately. I know Smackdown has not been on yet since the Rumble, but come on, guys, have you forgotten about a talented guy on the rise?

For the stuff above, I will give you some insight so we can all get on with it. Del Rio winning is very predictable, WWE isn't that obvious to give Cena the win in his hometown. For all the people who actually think the 2-21-11 thing is Sting, I am going to borrow a phrase from The Miz.

Really? Not Sting.

So let's get to a real story. Chris Masters is finally going to get a push. When he broke on to t...

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