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Author Archive

It had just turned 7:15 EST, and I was still battling with myself on whether I should buy what looked to be a lackluster SummerSlam pay-per-view, or just catch the results a day later. On paper, the booking was atrocious, and no great matches were set to take place, with the exception of one or two. Being a lifelong WWE fan, I finally gave up in this situation and called Dish Network to order the pay-per-view. Not all bad. I split the tab with the cousin I was watching it with. I ultimately predicted that, overall, SummerSlam was a going to be a huge ...
As we all know, the biggest party of the summer is set to take place on August 15th at the WWE's second biggest Pay-Per-View of the year, SummerSlam. Compared to SummerSlams of the past, this year's card is less than "acceptable", most of the matches on the card haven't been properly hyped or built up, and unless the Team WWE vs. Nexus match can pull a surprise out of the hat, the PPV is almost destined to be a let down. One of the matches that has been a victim to poor hyping is the most important match of the night: the ...
  On November. 27, 2009, one of the very few wrestling stables of the 21st Century was formed. The intriguing character of CM Punk, founded a union known as the Straight Edge Society. A simple group that focuses on living a clean life, no drugs, no alcohol, and no smoking. Their task at hand was to spread this message across the globe, purify the universe, and rid the world of addiction and weak-minded souls who couldn't do everyday simple tasks without getting a fix in the morning. In the beginning, the whole concept of the group was very interesting. Led by a three time ...
World Wrestling Entertainment has always done what they feel is best for the fans, whether it was going PG or making John Cena the biggest star in Pro Wrestling, they always have a point behind everything they do and have done. I look at the sliver lining and keep thinking to myself, "hey, it could be worse," and because of this little saying, I still find myself watching their weekly programming and buying their monthly $40, low quality Pay-Per-Views. Unfortunately, I won't be spending that money on the WWE's second biggest PPV of the year, SummerSlam, this time around. I remember back in ...
At Wrestlemania 21, the WWE created one of the biggest pro wrestling stars in the 21st Century. A man that goes by the name of Dave Batista or simply Batista. The 6-foot-6, near 300-pound monster gave up no size in his bout with Triple H at Wrestlemania 21 and FINALLY ended the "era" of "The Game." With one "Batista Bomb" and the pinfall victory, Batista became the symbol of change in WWE. Change meaning that, no longer were the new faces in the WWE; like the John Cenas and Rey Mysterios, going to become victims to those performers who were with the company for years. Younger, hungrier, ...
This idea has probably been done before, but I have never seen it being done week after week on a consistent basis. I'm here to tell you that the Bleacher Report "Wrestling Section" will now have weekly "Power Rankings," highlighting the top superstars of the week. I have some tough classes starting next week, so I won't be contributing two-three articles a week like I used to, but I can still produce one, and this is the idea I came up with. I hope you all know how "Power Rankings" work, but I'll explain how they work for those who aren't familiar with them. -You ...
On June 7, 2010 edition of Monday Night Raw, a group known as "The Nexus"  shocked the WWE Universe when they came down to the ring and promptly destroyed everything in sight. The sacred WWE ring was dismantled and a former nine time WWE Champion was left for dead in the middle of the ring. This group consists of seven members; their leader Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel and Darren Young. These seven members wouldn't stop after just one attack, week after week they would ambush respected WWE performers. They even came up with a cheesy catchphrase, ...

29 GREAT Things the WWE Did in the 21st Century

Posted by A. M. On August - 1 - 2010
I wrote a article recently named "29 HUGE Mistakes Made By The WWE In The 21st Century." Not many, but some people did get on me about blasting the WWE. I found it sort of humorous because I even wrote in the article that I was going to write a article highlighting the positives they did a few days later. So here it is, "29 GREAT Things The WWE Has Done In The 21st Century." To be honest, we all can get angry with the WWE because of their choices at times, but we can't deny that they do more good for ...
One of the better writers on Bleacher Report happens to enlighten the "Pro Wrestling Forum" with his honest opinions and debate-starting articles. Of course, in this instance I am talking about "Pro Wrestling Featured Columnist" Joe Burgett.  Joe has been contributing to the "Pro Wrestling Forum" since August 2008. In that time, he has been one of the many great writers that have helped build this section to what it is today. I contacted Joe and asked him if he would be interested in answering a few pressing questions. He was nice enough to say yes. We both felt this could be a entertaining read for both his ...

29 HUGE Mistakes Made By WWE in the 21st Century

Posted by A. M. On July - 29 - 2010
What's going on, Bleachers? On the B/R Wrestling forum, many of us differ on a lot of things; "Who the greatest wrestler is?", "What the greatest match of all-time is?" and even silly things like "What the best WWE T-shirt of all time is?" Differences in opinions help spark healthy debates amongst the writers and commentators on this site. But, if there is one thing that EVERY writer on on this forum of Bleacher Report can agree on it is our overwhelming love for Pro Wrestling and WWE. But, just because we love WWE doesn't necessarily mean we agree with any of their ...