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If there's one thing that TNA fans know, it's that Total Nonstop Action loves looking to the past for inspiration.  Their current title holder, Sting, is probably about ten years past his prime, even if he's still capable of putting on a decent enough match.  Meanwhile, Sting's greatest foe is none other than his biggest rival from the now decade-defunct WCW, Hulk Hogan.  The more things change... Of course, this time around, Sting is not combating Hollywood and a massive group of ex-WWE talent called the New World Order.  Instead, he's battling Hogan, Eric Bischoff and, well, a sort of nebulous blob known as ...

TNA 2.0: What Fans Have Gained and Lost in the New Era

Posted by Adam Kopp On December - 1 - 2010
Throughout the era that began with the arrival of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff back on the January 4th edition of "Impact!", fans have debated every decision made by TNA creative, as fledgling wrestling promotion continues its attempt to find both itself and its audience. Sure, you might say that TNA Wrestling has been around for years now, but in comparison to the rich tradition of the WWE, a tradition that spans decades and has included nearly every big name in the business that you've ever heard of, the company founded by Double J's Dad is still wet behind the ears. TNA upped the stakes when they brought ...

TNA Wrestling: Has The Buzz Finally Worn Off?

Posted by Adam Kopp On September - 22 - 2010
Bound for Glory, the Wrestlemania of Total Nonstop Action, is only a few weeks away.  This should be the biggest, most talked about time of year for TNA, but on this particular site, there hasn't been an article written about the other pro-wrestling show in four days. Not one. Is that the sound of the TNA locomotive losing steam? I had to take my car in to shop the other day because it was making one of those innocuous "noises" that can be anything from a loose hose to a dying transmission (thankfully it was the former).  While I was paying and signing my 30th ...

The ECW “Invasion” of TNA: What Is It?

Posted by Adam Kopp On July - 21 - 2010
Beginning with TNA's Slammiversary pay-per-view, when Tommy Dreamer came out through the crowd during Brother Ray's match with Jesse Neal, Total Nonstop Action has been teasing an Extreme Revolution in Dixie Carter's company. In the weeks that followed, we've seen Raven, Stevie Richards, and Rhino join Dreamer as the four crashed Impact! after Impact! to rousing "ECW" chants.  With no furthering of this plotline at TNA's July 11th Victory Road pay-per-view, fans were still left wondering not only who would join this burgeoning faction next, but also where exactly this plotline was going. At the following Impact! on July 15th, fans finally started getting answers, as a massive brawl broke out between ...

TNA iMPACT!: Thoughts From Thursday

Posted by Adam Kopp On July - 2 - 2010
I know that there are enough "iMPACT! React" articles on this site to sink an air craft carrier, but when I don't see one the morning after iMPACT!, I figured that sometime, I might just write one myself, if for no other reason than to get the conversation started. The main thing that I noticed from the July 1st iMPACT! is the fact that TNA actually seems to be maintaining storylines. Now, I'm assuming that we'll see this extreme revolution take place at the Victory Road pay-per-view, but while TNA rarely delivers on their surprises (or most of their angles), ...

TNA Wrestling Presents: Bloodletting?

Posted by Adam Kopp On May - 27 - 2010
It sounds like a horrible name for a pay-per-view, doesn't it?  Though on second thought, is it any worse than "Slammiversary" or the WWE's new "Fatal 4 Way?"  The former is a play on words that would make a second grader face-palm and the latter sounds like porn that spies watch. However, the "Bloodletting" that I'm referring to is not in fact a pay-per-view, but the well known and seemingly ever-impending reduction of TNA wrestlers and staff.  It's been blogged about and speculated on by everyone from to to my esteemed fellow writers here in the bleachers.  Originally thought to be a small number of on-air ...

Will TNA Turn the Corner?

Posted by Adam Kopp On May - 11 - 2010
The more articles that I read in various places throughout the internet in regards to TNA and the Hogan/Bischoff regime, from the lowliest of fans (i.e. me) up to the true insiders, bloggers, and opinion-makers, the more I see a trend developing that almost smells like solidarity. The consensus?  You don't have to even read the next sentence to know what's coming:  The Hogan/Bischoff regime simply isn't working.  I've read articles detailing their failures in everything from set changes and "new" additions to the roster, to TV time slots and plotlines.  The amazing part to me, however, is the fact that so many people are ...
Yesterday the public received word that Daffney was injured in a dark match on Impact.  According to Dixie Carter via Twitter, the results seem to be relatively positive: "Daffney has been released from the hospital. She has a deeply bruised sternum & a severe stinger (temp spinal trauma) but no nerve damage." There doesn't seem to be any time table for her return to TNA, but at least according to Dixie, zombie-hotness herself "will be okay."  Today we have another update, again via Dixie Carter's Twitter page that TNA's other best knockout (at least in my humble opinion) has also been injured: "HATE these ...

TNA Lockdown: The Review and Results

Posted by Adam Kopp On April - 19 - 2010
The 2010 Lethal Lockdown Pay Per View is in the books!  Say what you will about TNA, but they're always out to surprise, even if some reveals come off as being a little less than intended.  With Douglas Williams apparently stuck overseas, the X Division title was vacated.  Meanwhile, Sean "Syxx Pac" Waltman appears to have no-showed the event.  RVD pins James Storm after the 5 Star Frog Splash, gaining Team Hogan the man advantage for Lethal Lockdown This match began with plenty of tomfoolery outside the cage before the match even started.  RVD hit a nice leg drop after climbing half way up ...

Has the WWE Lost Its Touch?

Posted by Adam Kopp On April - 14 - 2010
Before you jump to conclusions, just hear me out and then objectively judge for yourself.  As I was flipping between TNA and RAW this past Monday, something struck me. Not right away, but as the night wore on it became abundantly clear that I was watching the worst episode of Raw that I'd seen in years. For starters, the Diva's Title match between Eve and Maryse was horrendous. I counted four actual wrestling moves: A moonsault by Eve that she didn't connect on, a botched neckbreaker...I think there may have been a clothesline in there somewhere. The last move was a solid looking bridge/pin ...