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Breaking News: Dixie Carter Says TNA Impact Will Be Live October 7, 2010

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On September - 2 - 2010
Just earlier today, Dixie Carter announced from her Twitter account that TNA iMPACT! will be going live on October 7.  "TNA iMPACT! is going LIVE on 10/7. Remember my tweet about how TNA is going to change forever? Stay tuned." Carter wrote. Will it be live from now on, or is this just for one show? Time will tell, and hopefully this is a breaking point for TNA to do even better.  Dixie had been hyping that TNA will be "changing forever" in the future; is this one of the major things they planned? Let's hope with this coming of a live showing that ...

WWE-TNA News, Sept. 2, 2010

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On September - 2 - 2010
NXT Season Three Pros and Rookies announced.If you watched WWE NXT Tuesday, you will have noticed that throughout the show the NXT pros and rookies were announced.Just about all of them are pretty, but the main reason we watch wrestling is to see wrestling, so hopefully WWE gives us good, quality match times for these NXT contestants to judge who can actually wrestle. Pro Rookie Primo AJ Lee Goldust Aksana Vickie Guerrero Aloisia Bella Twins Jamie Keyes Alicia Fox Maxine Kelly Kelly Naomi Night Begin Slideshow

Why WWE Needs To Stop with Bringing in New Guys

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On June - 22 - 2010
If you notice, more than ever, WWE is bringing more and more new guys, not giving the guys who have been there and progressed through the mid-cards a chance to be a main eventer. While Sheamus and Swagger (two of which I like very much—many people will notice I defend these guys a lot) are getting title shots, and title runs, you have guys like Morrison, Kingston, Miz, DiBiase, and others that are getting their progression to the main event scene. Let me tell you this: For years we watched guys like Triple H, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker, and others take ...

WWE’s top World Heavyweight Champions: Debut-Present

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On June - 21 - 2010
The World Heavyweight Championship was introduced in 2002, a year after the WCW World Heavyweight Championship was unified with the WWF Championship. Both of the titles look the same, but WWE wanted another top-tier title, so they brought it back. This list will look back on the 8 year history of the title, and will name the top five WWE World Heavyweight Champions. Combining the length of title reigns, the wrestler's gimmick, the wrestler's abilities, and how well they performed as champion will be the deciding factors in this list.Begin Slideshow
Ever since Douglas Williams became X Division Champion, many people have been complaining and saying that the X Division is dead at the moment, and that it could become what the Cruiserweight division in the WWE became—extinct. Well, it could happen, but if the following wrestlers can get the belt, it will be brought back to relevance in TNA and maybe the X Division can become what it once was in TNA: the main attraction. *No main event stars were added to this list because they've already passed this level of their career.Begin Slideshow

Santino Marella: A Big WTF, WWE!

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On June - 20 - 2010
Santino, at least in my opinion, came into the WWE in an interesting way, and at the beginning, he was brought in and was primed to be a star in the WWE. He won the Intercontinental Championship and got into a feud with Chris Masters shortly after... Then at Vengeance: Night of Champions, he faced Umaga, who lost from DQ, but then the next night they had a rematch, where we saw Santino lose the title. They utilized him well at the beginning, then it all went downhill from there...Begin Slideshow
Benoit died only a few years after his push started... He was going to bring legitimacy to the ECW World Championship, but he didn't show up for "unknown reasons"(now we know) and we all know how all that turned out. Guerrero died with his push only starting a few years before as well. Umaga seemingly was released from his contract before the death. Two of the best to ever step in the ring (at least that's my opinion) in "The Crippler" Chris Benoit and "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero, and a man who had a decent career ahead of him in ...

Star Search: Five Wrestlers TNA Needs To Bring Back

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On June - 19 - 2010
There are several wrestlers previously in TNA that they should have never got rid of. Here's a list of stars that should be resigned with TNA. I don't like how TNA is bringing in so many old WWE stars, make your own stars! ... Well, TNA did, but they had the stupidity to get rid of these wrestlers.Begin Slideshow

Tournament for the Tag: Which Tag Team Will Strike Gold in TNA?

Posted by Anthony Bonnet On June - 18 - 2010
With one-half of the tag team champions being released, Eric Young had to relinquish his title, as Eric Bischoff vacated the titles for the time being until they complete a tournament for the titles. I will run down each tag team in the tournament, and give my choice if they deserve the championships or not.Begin Slideshow