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Author Archive

WWE vs TNA: 3 Things WWE Can Learn from TNA

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On August - 21 - 2012
The war between TNA and WWE was over, really before it started. While I watch and enjoy both, there is no question WWE is the winner and undisputed top wrestling company in the world.This, however, does not mean TNA can't teach a thing—or in this case three—to WWE about effective programing. The first thing TNA has on WWE is long title reigns by impressive champions.  WWE has done well to keep the strap on CM Punk for nine months, and CM Punk has gone through some pretty long odds cementing his reputation as a formidable champion.But outside this singular occurrence, WWE ...

WWE: Why Failing to Win the Title Was the Best Thing for John Cena and WWE

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On July - 28 - 2012
Hello in the Bleachers!Those who have followed me know that I am a John Cena fan.  While that may cause me to lose some cred with those in the IWC—I like what I like, and like any fan, I want to see my favorites succeed.  But when John Cena cashed in his Money in the Bank contract and was the first—ever—to fail to win the world title, it was the best thing for John Cena and the WWE on a number of levels.First of all, John Cena needs to be taken down a peg.  I say this because, well...Suppose that ...

WWE’s Miz and the IC Belt: How WWE Is Finally Using Both Correctly

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On July - 28 - 2012
Hi all in Bleacher Land, good to be back!I have just finished watching the great match between the Miz and Christian for the Intercontinental Championship on SmackDown.  I must say, I was impressed.  It was a good match with a lot of back and forth action. In fact, it was so good that even though I was watching it via DVR, I actually watched it all the way through rather than fast-forwarding to the end.  The WWE has been putting on more and more great matches like this, and that is a great sign—more on that another time.What was special about ...

After Monday’s Raw, Can a More Real and Darker WWE Hit the Sweet Spot?

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On April - 10 - 2012
Hi, everyone in the Bleachers!Things are finally getting good again in WWE.I will not be a hypocrite.  Those of you who have had occasion to read some of my articles know I have been critical of many of the things that WWE has been doing (and, in some cases, not doing). But as of late-despite the ways WWE creative has dropped the ball-they have also been creating a more interesting and contemporary product.As many fellow contributors have opined and I myself have hinted at, WWE is moving in a darker direction. Some might say this started with the infamous shoot promo by ...

WWE: Speculation on WWE’s Move to Bring Back the Rock and Brock Lesnar

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On April - 3 - 2012
Hi all Bleachers.A year ago we get the Rock coming back to WWE.  Speculation abounded and still does on how much the Rock will be investing in a renaissance career in WWE.  One could have speculated that this was an isolated incident, a wrestler who still had his physical skills intact returning to something he loved.  Stranger things have happened, heck even Hacksaw Jim Duggan came back to the WWE briefly a few years back, and Ric Flair has been around since Moses was a ring boy.In addition to the question of how long and how much, comes why?  The ...

WWE: John Cena Will Win, and More Predictions for WrestleMania 28

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On March - 27 - 2012
Hello, fellow Bleachers.I have not been this excited for a WWE event in years.  For all the warts on the face that is WWE Creative, I must confess they have done a great job selling the idea that this WrestleMania is going to be a landmark event. In this article, I will analyze some of the matches on the card, give my predictions and what will be the aftermath going forward.  I hope you enjoy and I eagerly await your comments and input.Here we go:The Rock VS John CenaThis is a case of darned if you do, darned if you don't.  You have the Rock, who epitomizes ...
Hi all in Bleacher land,I have not written in a while and in part this is because there has not been much in the wrestling world that has gotten me excited lately.  But I must confess, the hype surrounding this year's WrestleMania XXVIII and some of the interesting comments made here on BR has inspired me to take hand to keyboard and throw my two cents into the ring as it were and comment on the two premiere matches at WrestleMania XXVIII, fellow wrestling fans have to say. Undertaker V Triple H:  A tale of Two LegendsThere have been quite a ...

John Cena and CM Punk: One WWE Fan’s Perspective on Two of WWE’s Best

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On July - 8 - 2011
Hi all in Bleacher land!It has been a long while since I wrote an article.  Some of that having to do with personal situations, and part of that having to do with the fact that little going on in wrestling has inspired me enough to comment on. But the recent feud between CM Punk and John Cena as well as some of the great promos, dark and televised, have inspired me to opine about these two gladiators and about the feud itself. CM PunkI am starting off with CM Punk and I want to start off by saying that I am a ...

AJ Styles and Sting: One More Reason Why TNA Is Booking Itself to Mediocrity

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On February - 25 - 2011
Greetings Bleacher fans! I've been reading up on 3/3/11 after writing my last article expressing my displeasure at so flagrant a jacking of WWE's buzz inducing promo for the Phenom. I came across a few articles claiming Sting will be the new TNA champ next week.  I'm going to take the information as about as gospel as you can nowadays and assume this is the case. I have, therefore, but one question: Why? Why TNA Bookers? Why?! Now let me state for the record, I have nothing against Sting. I consider myself a casual fan who feels that he is one of the few ...

Thursday IMPACT: How TNA Shows Its Weakness with Its 3/3/11 Promo

Posted by Anthony Salvatore On February - 25 - 2011
Greetings there Bleachers!It's been a while since I've written and its good to be back, if only briefly. The topic that brings me to the keyboard is the TNA Impact that just finished a few minutes ago, an IMPACT that, as a fan, has me angry.If you, dear reader, have read some of my previous articles, you might remember I wrote about the rivalry between TNA and WWE. I don't know if Dixie Carter or Hogan or Bischoff ever read Bleacher Report, or if they read any of what is said on the IWC, but it seems to me they didn't ...