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WWE Royal Rumble 2012: 5 Twists & Turns the John Cena-Kane Match Could Take

Posted by Anthony Vitale On January - 28 - 2012
With the Royal Rumble one day away, it is time to take a look at the John Cena-Kane match up.With a John Cena heel turn being teased by the WWE, as well as a revival of Kane's masked character, this match could steal the show.Today, I am going to list five directions that the WWE can go with this storyline.This list is based on WWE's current storylines and the product as a whole.**Please Note: I am staying away from a "Super Cena" storyline. I don't think I will happen so I see no need to include it.**Begin Slideshow
With the Royal Rumble just a day away, it is time to jump right in and analyze one of the main events for the show: the WWE Championship Match.As you probably already know, WWE Champion CM Punk will be facing the Number One Contender: Dolph Ziggler.If you haven't been watching RAW, this feud has been developing nicely in the past few weeks and because of that, I have decided to make a list of 10 "Need to Knows" on this match.This list is based off of the current WWE storylines and the product as a whole.Begin Slideshow

Chris Jericho Returns to WWE: Ranking the Segments (1999 vs. 2007 vs. 2012)

Posted by Anthony Vitale On January - 14 - 2012
With Chris Jericho's recent return being one of the top stories currently coming out of the WWE, it is time to rank it.As you know, this isn't Jericho's first time returning to the WWE.Chris Jericho first debuted in the WWF in 1999.In 2007, Jericho came back for another run within the WWE.After leaving in 2010, he finally made his third homecoming a couple weeks ago.Today, I am going to rank these three returns. Enjoy!Begin Slideshow

WWE: 10 Ways Chris Jericho Is a Welcome Addition to Raw

Posted by Anthony Vitale On January - 14 - 2012
After Chris Jericho's recent return to the WWE, he received a nice reaction from the WWE Universe.Although some critics view his return as being a huge letdown, I think that there is some huge potential for Jericho.Today, I am going to list 10 reasons why his return is good for RAW.This list is based on the current WWE storylines and the product as a whole.Begin Slideshow

WWE: 7 Reasons Why CM Punk vs. John Cena Should Not Happen Right Now

Posted by Anthony Vitale On December - 17 - 2011
This past summer, John Cena and CM Punk faced off against each other in what was two epic singles matches.While many fans thought that their feud could continue longer, it was rushed by WWE creative, and CM Punk was placed into a feud with Triple H.The feud between CM Punk and John Cena could and should happen in the future, but I think the WWE should wait a bit.Today, I am going to list seven reasons why. This list is based on current WWE story lines and the product as a whole.Begin Slideshow

WWE: 11 Superstars on the Rise

Posted by Anthony Vitale On October - 7 - 2011
Hello Bleacher Report! Today I want to take the time to talk about superstars in the WWE who are receiving a major push. These 11 superstars have made enough of an impact to change how we look at the WWE product as a whole. The slides will include specific and general facts on the current superstars and storylines.Just sit back, relax and enjoy!Begin Slideshow