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“Managers are a lost art” and if you don’t look good in a bikini, forget it. " Jim Cornette Last night, I for one was grinning like a school kid on the last day of school when Paul E. Dangerously strutted confidently down the ramp and into the ring. The great Paul Heyman is one of the best talkers in WWE history, and is the man behind ECW. And now he is back in the WWE. The talented Heyman returned to help Brock Lesnar express himself. To be honest, Lesnar needed Heyman to be his mouth piece, and now the ...
Another satisfying episode of Raw…I do not know what I will do if Raw turns back to crap. I would have liked more wrestling, and I am baffled as to why Raw is not 3 hours long. Miz and Truth were wasted, although Truth gave a good, yet brief promo. And seeing Santino win the US title…almost made me puke. What did Jack Swagger do to end up as an after thought? The surprise of the night was the interaction between Eve and Zach Ryder. I was expecting his return, but I am baffled as to where this story will ...