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WWE Wrestlemania 27: 10 Reasons Why Edge Will Top Alberto Del Rio

Posted by Big Dallas On March - 27 - 2011
My personal preference aside, I believe Del Rio is a great wrestler who has an incredibly bright future. But, like any great debater, one must see both sides of an argument. In any debate, you are sometimes forced to argue the side you don't agree with.This is what I am attempting to do right here. I will attempt to show you why Edge will beat Alberto Del Rio at the show of shows.Begin Slideshow
With WrestleMania only seven days away, one of Raw's hottest rivalries has finally come to a head. While both of these men have many similarities, there are plenty of aspects that are different. Regardless of personal taste, this should be an intriguing match. So let us bleachers take a look at 10 things that all of us need to know about the match between Randy Orton and CM Punk.Begin Slideshow
I've been sitting on this slideshow idea for a month now, wondering how I could possibly rate every WWE superstar without having someone come and kill me for their favorite being too low. This is based on a point system (and does not count 3/7 Raw.) Also because of lack of interest I will not be doing NXT, merely Raw and Smackdown.The point system is as following: 1 point for a loss on TV= 1 point for a no contest= 2 points for a win on TV= 2 points for a loss on PPV= 3 Points for a win on ...
My thanks to RiZE and his fantastic article which gave me inspiration for this article. His piece can be found here.   WWE has a unique opportunity at Wrestlemania 27. For the first time since Wrestlemania 21, both world championship matches will have a man who either hasn't won a world title belt or is a first-time champion. Since then, the last five have featured Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Undertaker, and Edge shuffled and facing each other with a few guys thrown in occasionally when injury ails these top guys. But, for better or for worse, WWE no longer has a surplus ...
What a difference a year makes.For better or worse, ECW, Shawn Michaels and Guest Hosts are no longer with us. With the WWE finding themselves losing stars, such as Batista, Jericho and HBK to retirement and Undertaker and Triple H to injuries, management realized they had a void to fill.While I believe the WWE has done a better job building young talent in the past 365 days than before, five guys in my mind seemed to have been groomed to take over the proverbial reigns from the biggest and brightest.So, without further ado, let us take a look at last ...

Breaking News: Alberto Del Rio Wins the Royal Rumble

Posted by Big Dallas On January - 30 - 2011
Well, I was right. If you go back and look at my previous slideshow, I picked Del Rio to win. So props to anyone else who didn't think Cena would win. This year was wide open. In other news, Booker T and Diesel (Kevin Nash) were surprise entrants. They both received huge pops and had Diesel chants starting up. Punk was eliminated early. There was no sign of Triple H, Evan Bourne, Jericho or Batista. Both Orton and Ziggler made it in. The final two were Alberto Del Rio and...Santino. Apparently he had rolled out and "almost" eliminated Del Rio. Did anyone over ...
The Royal Rumble: A pay-per-view centered on one match. Don't believe me? When was the last time, besides 2009, a world title changed hands at the pay-per-view? (this was to ignite the Jeff Hardy-Matt Hardy feud, Jeff's first reign wasn't about the title, but about his attacks)  In fact, look at the contenders.2011: Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton2010: Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton2009: Edge, JBL2008: Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy2007: Mr. Kennedy, Umaga2006: Mark Henry, Edge2005: Randy Orton, Big Show and Kurt Angle (triple threat) One title change in 12 world title matches, no pay-per-view has such a low rate, an 8.5 percent title ...

WWE Breaking News: Mason Ryan Debuts on TV During Raw

Posted by Big Dallas On January - 18 - 2011
*Breaking News* (no spoiler)   Tonight's Raw Main Event pitted a Nexus-less CM Punk versus John Cena. When the match seemingly neared the end, a man rushed out of the audience who I recognized as a Batista look alike and current FCW champion Mason Ryan. Ryan, with a large and menacing demeanor, was expected to make a large impact. He hit a running big boot on an unexpecting CM Punk and his finisher (a falling Rock Bottom type thing) on Cena. Nexus then came and he bowed, seemingly debuting as a member/enforcer of Nexus   Dallas' decision (corny right?): I don't like this idea because ...

5 Wrestling Deaths That Changed Pro Wrestling

Posted by Big Dallas On January - 4 - 2011
While the deaths of pro wrestlers, young and old, sadden us all, select few stick with us for years and years. Some deaths barely faze us, others change the aspect of pro wrestling forever.While wrestlers seem larger than life, in reality many of them are very fragile. A WWE superstar usually wrestles four or five times a week. Injuries always take their toll, but being on the road for much of the year can cause stress and depression.The pain that also comes with being a wrestler drives many people to prescription medication. In this slideshow, you will be reminded of ...
The first time I began watching WWE was in 2007, right before WrestleMania 23. I was enthralled by McMahon, Umaga, Bobby Lashley, and Donald Trump. But I had seen it sooner than I had thought.In 2005, as a 12-year-old, I was at a friend's house when he insisted we watch his favorite show, SmackDown! We tuned in, and he tried to show me his favorite wrestler, who was dominating everyone—Batista. I, however, was not impressed.After returning home, per his request, I put on RAW and SmackDown! a few times, seeing the likes of Batista, JBL, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Eddie, ...