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Author Archive

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (1/7): Hits, Misses and

Posted by Bridget Campbell On January - 8 - 2011
This is the first Friday night Smackdown of the year. Throughout the week, WWE has been plugging the World Heavyweight Title match between Edge and Kane and the best two out of three falls match between Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio. Were we going to see the same thing on Smackdown that we did on Raw? Nobody knew, however, I could guarantee that there would be hits, misses and some "what the hell" moments. HITS Edge VS Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship. When this match was first being advertised I though "same old match just different people", and ...

TNA Impact (1/6): Hits, Misses and "What The Hell?"

Posted by Bridget Campbell On January - 7 - 2011
I have been writing these articles for the WWE shows that last 2 weeks and thought, "Hey, I watch impact every Thursday night. I can do this article for Impact too." Last night's Impact was the last TNA show before their Genesis PPV, not to mention their first Impact of the year. As always, there were some hits, misses and "what the hell" moments. HITS Pope-Samoa Joe promo. I really like the weird chemistry that these two have with each other. They both make it really look like they hate each other. This can be the start of a good feud between ...

WWE: Why the Nexus Domination Doesn’t and Will Never Exist

Posted by Bridget Campbell On January - 4 - 2011
The Nexus invasion/domination of the WWE in 2010 was one of the biggest headlines in pro wrestling. Now we are in a new year, and, while I have the chance to look back on things, I do not believe the Nexus dominated. We are only a few days into the new year and the Nexus has already changed their leader to CM Punk and Wade Barrett out of the group. Although they have added and lost people one thing remains the same: They are feuding with John Cena. I understand why the WWE creative wants the Nexus to feud with Cena. ...

WWE Monday Night Raw, January 3: Hits, Misses and ‘What the Hell?’

Posted by Bridget Campbell On January - 4 - 2011
The first Monday Night Raw of the year had some questions that needed to be answered. What was going on with Nexus? Where was Wade Barrett? Would John Cena be on Raw? How would we build toward the Royal Rumble? All these questions were asked and answered. However, like everything on TV, there was definitely some hits, misses and "what the hell?" moments.   Hits Morrison-Miz Title Match: This time last year, I would have never predicted that we would see this match right now. Although I didn't like that this was the first match of the night, it made sense considering the ...

WWE Raw (12/27) : Hits, Misses and "What The Hell"

Posted by Bridget Campbell On December - 28 - 2010
I have decided that for every WWE Raw, Smackdown and PPV that I am going to write an article about the hits, misses and "what the hell" moments of the night. Without further ado, let's get started on the first ever edition of Hits, Misses and "What the Hell".   HITS Cena-Punk promo to begin the night. Normally I would probably have an issue with a segment like this to start the show. When I turn on Raw, I want to see some action. Instead I got Cena standing in the ring talking about last week and then Punk coming out to have ...

WWE Breaking News: There’s a Huge Problem Heading Into the New Year

Posted by Bridget Campbell On December - 22 - 2010
2010 is coming to a close and the WWE has seen many changes occur. Jack Swagger and the Miz became World Heavyweight/WWE Champions. Shawn Michaels retired. The tag team division is more dead than ever before. We have seen the rise of new stars like Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio, and the Nexus. And yet these are not even relevant to the problem I am talking about. This problem is something I don't think the WWE has ever had to deal with. The problem is, and you heard it here first, is that Vickie Guerrero is the best heel in ...

Triple H Needs To Return to WWE Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted by Bridget Campbell On November - 30 - 2010
Triple H has been out of action and off television since Extreme Rules (4/25/2010). He was first out for several nagging injuries, including an injury to his quadriceps, and then his return was delayed due to a torn bicep. It is unlikely he will return before the end of the year. This is already causing problems for the WWE and may continue to cause problems even after he has returned. Let’s start with the problem his absence is causing right now. With the retirements of Shawn Michaels and Batista, the injuries of Undertaker and CM Punk, Mysterio only being able to ...