Author Archive
Wrestling Versus Storytelling: What Really Makes Fans Pay Attention?
On August - 4 - 2012
If wrestling was really a sport, wouldn't there be an exclusion of "storylines"?This is something I, like many, have more often than not asked mysef. And for good reason! While I recognize that the sheer amount of skill and brutality needed to be a wrestler can easily qualify it as a sport, one must also question the way professional wrestling works.Let us not forget that not only are the stories scripted, but also the matches.Every move accomplished or failed is ultimately a predetermined act, so what exactly makes one wrestler any better than another if they all plan what they do before ...
WWE Raw’s 1,000th Episode: The Top 5 Divas in Its History
On July - 21 - 2012
The WWE has seen many women come and go, but there are a select few that have left strong impacts on the culture of the wrestling world as a whole. These women brought something different to the table, or something never before seen.It's interesting to note where women's wrestling is now in the WWE considering how much it used to mean to the company. The women used to be a draw! They used to sell merchandise! They were just as important as the men!And now they're a pathetic sideshow for the average viewer.It's sad, which is why I think it's ...
Why AJ Lee Is WWE’s Best On-Screen Character
On July - 3 - 2012
The world of professional wrestling hardly ever produces the types of characters that make you think you're genuinely watching a television show.You never really connect with them on a deeper level beyond '"I love him/her" or "I hate him/her." The reason for this is that they have no character depth.Wrestling is truly just recycled stories one after the other with different events interchanged over and over again.That's why I have to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to praise WWE and AJ herself for creating a true character and story in AJ Lee.I have to stress character because I think the world ...
The Game of Pro Wrestling: Why the WWE Divas Need to ‘Restart’
On June - 30 - 2012
I'm one of the maybe five percent of fans who believes that there is hope for the Divas Division in the WWE to get better. The odds are clearly stacked against me—the women have no characters, no screen time and definitely no support from their higher-ups.But just because the odds are stacked against me doesn't mean I can't break the barrier for those who think I'm delusional.Hear me out:I'm not going to give you all the ol' one-two about how the divas need investment, character growth and yada, yada. I actually believe the secret in reinvigorating the division is hidden ...
The Anonymity of a True Wrestling Prodigy: Why Melina Isn’t Being Used Correctly
On March - 13 - 2011
Every once in a while there comes an exceptional talent that graces us with their presence in this wacky world of wrestling. But it's not every once in a while that a talent of that caliber enters the even wackier world of Women's Wrestling.It just so happens that the talent I'm speaking of is none other than the recently turned Melina. Melina is the total package as far as it comes to being a wrestler. And even more so when it comes to being a WWE "Diva!" She has epitomized that word for her entire WWE career and is one ...
Bleacher Report’s Next Top Women’s Wrestling Columnist: Cycle 2
On March - 5 - 2011
We're baaaaaack. A few months ago Bleacher Report was lit on fire by an innovative competition that challenged contestants to bring their A-games for the best of the best in Women's Wrestling Journalism. Week-in and week-out the entries for the competition were taking over the Wrestling page here on the site, and how could they not? Competitors were being pushed to their writing limits, and alas, Cycle 1's winner was none other than one of my rookies for that season, Jade ( Jade's continued to impress with her wide array of knowledge on women in wrestling, and perfect grammar to ...
Michelle McCool: The Center of Hate in the IWC
On February - 27 - 2011
Hello Bleachers! I'm finally back! Apologies for the short absence. Moving on... Michelle McCool What comes to mind when you hear that name? If you're the average wrestling fan, it's probably thoughts about championships that weren't deserved due to her relationship with Mark Callaway, better known as "The Undertaker." For years on end now fans have been on Michelle McCool's case for the number of accomplishments she's managed to rack up in her career, which include becoming the first Divas Champion, and being the first woman to hold both the Divas and Women's Championships. But has this hate been warranted? ...
Studying for the Future: Third Generation Divas
On January - 16 - 2011
Watching elimination after elimination on Diva NXT made me realize something - we are entering a new age of "Diva." And it's the third generation too! Don't believe me? The first generation (otherwise known as the "Golden Age") consisted of women like Trish Stratus, Lita, Molly Holly, Victoria, Jazz, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, and so on. The second gen., which we are now being prepped to let go of, consists of women like Melina, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool, Layla El and so on.Moving forward, the newest generation seems to be mainly made up of all the contestants seen ...
NTWWC Cycle 1- NXT Gen. Week 7: And the Winner Is…
On December - 30 - 2010
And here we are. The final post for NTWWC Cycle 1!
I just want to take some time to thank all the people who keep commenting and reading the posts for the competition, because you always add some excitement to the whole thing.
Thank you for continuing to show your support for NTWWC and for the contestants themselves!
I say thank you to the contestants for signing up in the first place and for continuing to submit entries for the competition when you could. It's hard because it's holiday season and everything is hectic, but thank you for at least trying.
Now, moving on:
The ...
NTWWC Cycle 1: NXT Gen. Week 6
On December - 25 - 2010
Well, we're finally here. The finals. So let me jump right into things! A week ago I challenged the two finalists of NTWWC, Jade and Chris Freeman, to write one last article on the history of women in the spectacle that is Wrestlemania. Thankfully, both delivered their articles (part of the reason why they're finalists). But, there is a twist, as usual. I stated that YOU the FANS would be voting for the inaugural winner of NTWWC. So the way it's going to work is: *You read both articles *Through MY CONTACT BUTTON ONLY (as to not reveal a winner ...