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We are only 24 hours removed from Wrestlemania 27 and already, we have the main event booked for Wrestlemania 28. The dream match that many of us have been waiting years for is finally going to happen: The Current Face of the WWE, John Cena will face off against The People's Champion, the Rock! On February 14, 2011, the Rock returned to the WWE, when it was announced that he would be the guest host of Wrestlemania 27. During his return promo, the Rock graced us with his signature catchphrases, a heartfelt speech, and the biggest tease in wrestling history: ...

CvC: Wrestlemania XIX; the Greatest of All Time

Posted by Chris Freeman On March - 19 - 2011
Ever since its inception in 1985, Wrestlemania has always been the WWE's biggest show. And every year something truly spectacular happens, whether it be an epic match, an iconic moment, or the fulfilling of a boyhood dream. The greatest of all time were made at Wrestlemania and that trend will continue for all eternity. Every Wrestlemania has something to love, but when discussing which Wrestlemania is the greatest of them all, you can look no further than Wrestlemania 19. Wrestlemania XIX featured one of the best cards of all time and appropriately sequenced each match. A fast paced cruiserweight match kicked the ...

The Rock: Why He Will Always Be the People’s Champ

Posted by Chris Freeman On March - 9 - 2011
It's March 14, 2004: Wrestlemania XX.The Rock 'n' Sock Connection has reformed to take on Evolution (Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton) in a handicap tag match. After a well fought contest, Rock 'n' Sock finally succumbs to the will of Evolution, as Mick Foley is pinned by Randy Orton following an RKO.After the match, Mick Foley and the Rock share a brief celebration and leave the ring to thunderous cheers. As of that moment, it was the Rock's final match and one of the last times we saw "The Great One" live on WWE TV. Fast forward seven years.On the February ...

Hulk Hogan: Should He Be Praised or Hated?

Posted by Chris Freeman On March - 3 - 2011
Warning: This article may contain strong opinions that may offend certain people! I will try to tone down on opinions that may seem insulting to the party in question (Hulk Hogan) and I suggest you do the same for me! Professional wrestling is a great past time for a lot of us here on Bleacher Report. We watch it every week. We spend top dollar on almost every PPV. We get on wrestling websites and argue about which wrestlers should receive attention, which angles are good, which angles are bad, and every other topic we can think of. In professional wrestling we ...

The TNA Problem: An Analysis of IWC Criticism to the TNA Product

Posted by Chris Freeman On February - 27 - 2011
Let me just begin by saying that I am a big fan of the TNA locker room. They have some of the most talented individuals in the world and can put on great shows if given the chance. AJ Styles, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe are among my favorite in-ring competitors today. This is not an attack on TNA or its fans. It's a healthy debate about why certain fans don't like this small, yet impactful company. It's common knowledge that a lot of people within the IWC do not like TNA. It's also ...

WWE: The Pros and Cons of John Cena Going To WrestleMania

Posted by Chris Freeman On February - 21 - 2011
Last night, the Elimination Chamber, while a predictable and unremarkable affair, failed to disappoint in my opinion. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge is the current SmackDown main event, while John Cena vs. The Miz is the RAW main event. And of course, with the 2/21/11 promos now pointing to the Undertaker (and with the looming return of Triple H), we can chalk up another WrestleMania match in Triple H vs. The Undertaker. Yes, that's right: John Cena is headlining WrestleMania. Again. I already know what you're all thinking and believe me, I'm thinking it, too. But you know, every cloud has ...

WrestleMania 27: Who Will Be the Guest Host?

Posted by Chris Freeman On February - 13 - 2011
Hello Bleachers! WrestleMania is now only 49 days away and Vince McMahon is already getting in the WrestleMania spirit by announcing a "Special Guest Host" of WrestleMania! So, there are many guys who could obviously fit this role, though Vince said that this person is someone who defines great moments and I would guess that person would be a former superstar. However, has their own little list of former superstars, musicians and RAW guest hosts that they want you to vote on (these votes have no weight, its just a "Who do you think" kind of thing). So, considering ...

WWE Re-Runs: A Few Things WWE Should Start Cutting Back On

Posted by Chris Freeman On February - 10 - 2011
Hello Bleachers! Now, if you've been watching WWE television for the past, oh I don't know...2've noticed that the product isn't exactly as good as it should be. I'm not saying everything they do is a flop (they are actually pretty great from time to time), but they always do a few things that really grind my gears. Lately, one of their major problems have been their lack of direction. You know, they never seem to be moving forward. It seems like each week RAW and (especially) Smackdown seem to be on repeat. Just look back at the past ...

WWE: Why Is 2/21/11 Date Being Hyped?

Posted by Chris Freeman On February - 1 - 2011
Tonight's Monday Night RAW was...interesting, to say the least. We got a dance contest from the Usos and Great Khali & Mark Henry (which, BTW, had Henry and Khali won it, I would've been pissed, because the Usos totally served them), more Bella Twins/Daniel Bryan drama, Layla screaming and running away from Natalya, CM Punk's awesome promo skills (as usual), and the first ever RAW Rumble. However, one moment that had me interested the most was this mysterious promo they aired twice during the night. The promo was quick (about 20 seconds long) and featured a dark figure in a ...
Its the end of January and tonight is the night of the first of the "Big Four": the Royal Rumble. As of right now, WWE seems to be giving us a repeat of last year.Hell, even the first PPV of the year features a WWE Championship match involving Randy Orton in which he'll most likely lose through some cheap tactics, only this time its The Miz he is facing, not Sheamus. The Nexus has been resurrected one week after being "defeated" and has a new leader in CM Punk. Oh and three of the original members split from the group ...