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Author Archive

WWE Draft 2011: How Zack Ryder Could Benefit From a Move To Smackdown

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 23 - 2011
Zack Ryder has been with WWE for a few years now, but for the last year or so he has received little to no screen time on WWE television. When he first showed up in WWE he was part of a tag team with Curt Hawkins.  They went by the name The Major Brothers.  Their similar appearance and size made it convincing that these two could be brothers in real life.  They debuted on the now defunct ECW and won their first match.  The two men would find little success before being paired up with Edge to join his La Familia stable ...

WWE: Edge’s Retirement Speech from SmackDown That You Didn’t See (Watch Video)

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 16 - 2011
Last night on SmackDown, Edge gave his second farewell speech of the evening.  The speech we saw on TV was just a small amount of what the fans in attendance got to see.  When news broke of Edge's retirement on Monday the wrestling world was shocked.  The man who had the only good title match at WrestleMania, and won for that matter, was about to retire due to worsening back issues.  Edge showed up on Raw and gave an impromptu retirement speech that saw the Rated R Superstar shed tears.  The crowd in attendance had no idea that they were going ...

WWE’s Shawn Michaels, a True Story Worthy of a Hollywood Movie

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 16 - 2011
With the popularity of "The Wrestler" in theaters a couple years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to write something about a wrestler with a story worthy of a Hollywood movie. The lives of professional wrestlers are filled with more drama than most soap operas, and some of the most famous superstars of the past and present also have the most interesting stories in their real lives. Biopics are some of the most successful movies in terms of awards and critical acclaim, and some pro wrestlers have just of an interesting back story as any musician or athlete, if ...

WWE: Does Edge’s Retirement Indicate Better Care Being Given to Wrestlers?

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 13 - 2011
Edge's retirement announcement came as a shock to most WWE fans.  His retirement is due to the fact that the problems with his spinal cord are getting worse, not better like he had hoped. According to various reports, Edge has been feeling numbness in his arms lately and has been in more pain than he had been in recent months.  After a stellar performance at WrestleMania, Edge passed all the required tests given to him by WWE officials and doctors, but they decided to get more testing done for Edge's sake. The MRI results showed that Edge is suffering from ...

WWE: How I Would Have Booked WrestleMania 27

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 13 - 2011
WrestleMania has been panned by many for being too predictable, removing matches and having certain people featured more than others.  I watched the event, and while I went away happy, I still think I could have booked a better PPV, so that's what I am going to do. Here is the rundown of matches that were on WrestleMania 27.   1. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio 3. Corre vs. Santino, Kofi Kingston, Kane and The Big Show (Kofi Kingston subbed in for Kozlov after the latter was injured by the Corre.) 4. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton 5. Michael Cole ...

WWE: Is It Finally Time for Christian to Become World Champion?

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 13 - 2011
Spoilers from this week's Smackdown tapings are included in this article, so if you wish to keep Smackdown a surprise, then stop reading now. According to, this week's Smackdown tapings saw the new World Title match for WWE Extreme Rules set.  The match will now be Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio. This comes after the shocking and sad news that due to nagging injuries and major future risks to his life and health, Edge was forced to retire and give up the World Heavyweight Championship. After hearing the news of Edge's situation, WWE must have been in shock and extremely disappointed.  The WWE has put ...

WWE Newcomer Sin Cara: Analyzing the High-Flyer’s Debut

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 12 - 2011
Last night on WWe Raw the much-anticipated debut of Mexican superstar Sin Cara finally arrived.  The vignettes have been playing for weeks and after two run-ins with other wrestlers last week, it was finally time to see what the man formerly known as Mistico could do. His entrance looked botched once again, which could be his fault or that of the guy placing his trampoline. It must be one of those things he nails in rehearsal but screws up live. His entrance doesn't mean much, however, it's his ability inside the ring we want to see. Sin Cara faced Primo for his ...

WWE: Edge’s Retirement Shocks Fans and Wrestlers Alike

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 12 - 2011
Last night on Monday Night Raw, they played a few graphics hyping a big announcement by Edge about possibly retiring.  I had not heard any rumors before Monday, so I assumed it was some kind of work like many other people. I watched Edge come out with the World Championship over his shoulder and he seemed just as energetic and happy as always so I thought to myself, "Alberto Del Rio is going to come out and interrupt anytime now." Sure enough, I was wrong.  Edge started out his speech by acknowledging that he had no format and would probably ramble on a little ...

WWE: What Will Happen to The Nexus?

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 6 - 2011
Sunday night saw the culmination of a feud that started over two years ago. I am, of course, talking about Randy Orton and CM Punk.  Punk was still holding a grudge over a punt kick he received at the hands of Orton in 2008. This storyline has been one of the driving feuds on Raw leading into Wrestlemania.  Orton systematically took out David Otunga, Mason Ryan, Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty over the course of four weeks in order to ensure that he had a fair match with Punk. But with all these members of Nexus being taken out, one ...

WWE: The Rock Silences All Non-Believers by Making Wrestlemania 28 Match

Posted by Chris Mueller AKA Mr. Tambourine Man On April - 6 - 2011
"The Rock will never wrestle another match". These words have been said by so many for so long. No one wanted to believe that The Rock, The People's Champion, would ever return to the squared circle. After moving to Hollywood to pursue acting, The Rock tried to distance himself by dropping his wrestling moniker and going by Dwayne Johnson. For years, people have thought of Rock as an ex-wrestler, and not a wrestler who might return someday. The Rock himself even said in interviews that he had done everything he wanted to do in wrestling. Now it seems as if ...