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Author Archive

It's about that time.  We're only a few hours away from Wrestlemania 27!  With that being said, let's jump right into the last bit of news and potential surprises before the big night.   Will Shawn Michaels Cost Triple H His Match with The Undertaker? If you follow HBK on Twitter, you've seen a couple of his recent comments.  It's almost a certainty that Michaels will be at ringside at some point in the match.  Is it possible that he would go against his best friend and help the Undertaker to go 19-0?  Or will he actually help his friend to defeat the ...

WWE Behind the Scenes: What You Don’t Get To See During TV Tapings

Posted by Chris Polson On November - 17 - 2010
Note:  There are a couple of MINOR SPOILERS here, so don't read further if you want to be kept in the dark with what happens on Smackdown Friday. It's been a while since I've gotten a front-row seat to a live wrestling event.  It was probably the '96 episode of Nitro where Mean Gene named the three-man team that would face what would ultimately become the NWO.   The past few times I've been, I've gotten second-row seats, but after the Smackdown/NXT tapings, I'm going to try my best to get front row from now on.  The differences are good enough for ...

He’s Baaaack! Michael Cole Returns To NXT, but He’s Not the Only One

Posted by Chris Polson On September - 22 - 2010
I think its safe to say that most of us watch NXT for the commentary.  Especially this season.  I know I do. But when Michael Cole quit unexpectedly last week, I got a little worried.  I figured maybe they were making room to put Abraham Washington on the show so he can have something to do.  So I was a little weary to watch this week. I'm glad I decided to tune in. Who decides to join Josh Matthews on commentary?  CM PUNK! First thing he says, "Shut up Josh!"  He then proceeds to call Matt Striker "Jefferson D'Arcy" from the classic TV show ...

Say it Ain’t So: Michael Cole Quits NXT?

Posted by Chris Polson On September - 15 - 2010
I have a confession to make: I'm a major mark for Michael Cole. I'm not sure when it started, but I know when it gained momentum, and that was during the second season of NXT. After Nexus wreaked havoc on RAW in June, I decided to tune in to season two of NXT. The ring work was decent, the rookies' mic skills were mediocre at best. What kept me coming back each week was the commentary. Hard to believe, right? After so many months of uneventful commentary on the other two shows, I was quite shocked when I heard commentary that actually made me ...

My Angry Letter To Vince McMahon

Posted by Chris Polson On August - 31 - 2010
Note:  I'm not actually sending this letter to Vince as he wouldn't ever receive it, nor would he actually read it.  But after watching the 900th episode of RAW last night I needed to get some things off my chest.  So, while Vince may not read it, the B/R peeps will, and they are free to agree or disagree without persecution, unlike working for Vince.  It's a little wordy, so if you're looking for a quick article, this isn't the place.   Dear Mr. McMahon, I have been a wrestling fan, more specifically a WWE fan, since I was 8 years old in ...

10 Potential RAW Guest Hosts That Might Make Me Watch Just For Them

Posted by Chris Polson On August - 16 - 2010
I'm like most of you in the WWE Universe:  We're tired of these lame RAW guest hosts.  Most of them don't know anything about the wrestling business and some of them aren't even big celebrities.  If you're going to bring on someone famous, make it someone we actually want to see.I mean, does anybody want to see Justin Long?  The only reason he's known to most people is because he dated Drew Barrymore.  Mostly these guest hosts are seen backstage with the Bella's and do nothing but plug their upcoming movie, TV show, or album.But there are some certain people ...

Pro Wrestling “Mount Rushmore:” Who Would Be on Yours?

Posted by Chris Polson On August - 14 - 2010
I'm sure this has been done before, but after hearing a recent podcast on ESPN where Bill Simmons interviewed Shawn Michaels, I figured I would foray into this topic myself. If there were a Mount Rushmore of pro wrestling, who would you have on it? Simmons couldn't come up with a fourth, but his other three were Michaels, Randy Savage, and Jimmy Snuka. So I had to come up with my picks and why I think they deserve a spot. 1. Shawn Michaels The Showstopper. The Main Event. Mr. Wrestlemania.  This was a no-brainer for me, and I'm sure a lot of others agree ...