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Author Archive

Randy Orton’s Legacy: What Does WWE Have in Store for Them Now?

Posted by Danny Starry On August - 25 - 2009
I wrote an article a while back similar to this where I planned out three different paths for Legacy. None of them happened, yet I am going to make another bold prediction as to where the Legacy of Randy Orton is headed now. I'll start with SummerSlam. Most people saw the Orton vs. Cena match had its share of ups and downs. I personally loved the crowd for this match. They gave John Cena so much heat. I said before the match that I wanted to see them go fist to fist, and when it happened, I was thrilled to hear Cena get booed so heavily. The ending ...

Matt Hardy: Another Twist Of Fate?

Posted by Danny Starry On August - 7 - 2009
First off, let me say that if you haven't watched/finished Smackdown from tonight yet, don't read this, as it may give away some spoilers. Now, with the spoiler alert out of the way, let's get right to it. Matt Hardy is confusing the hell out of me right now. He has been jumping back and forth from show to show, displaying characteristics of both heel and face, etc. January 2009, Royal Rumble: Jeff Hardy defends his WWE championship title against Edge in a No Disqualification Match. Towards the end of the match, Matt Hardy shows up with a chair and gives Jeff ...

Christian Retains His Championship in an Extreme Main Event on ECW

Posted by Danny Starry On August - 4 - 2009
I was pretty impressed with ECW tonight. I thought it was going to be awful since it started off with Abraham Washington's talk show, but even that turned out to be better than usual. I was honestly dreading how ECW was going to turn out starting with the man I despise more than Cena, Abraham Washington. He started off with those lame jokes that he always tells, this time targeting where ECW was being taped, Long Island, NY. His jokes were cut short, however, by none other than Zack Ryder. The two exchanged insults and then agreed to focus on someone who was ...

Two Hall of Famers at WWE Smackdown’s House Show in Cohasset, Mass.

Posted by Danny Starry On August - 2 - 2009
Wow! I recently read an article debating whether or not house shows were worth the money, and I have to say, they most definitely are. In a short span of two and a half hours, eight quality matches took place, making the $50 seats well worth it. One of the best parts was actually the arena itself. The arena was actually just a tent seating about 300 or 400 people centered around the WWE ring (which for some reason security doesn't like you to touch, go figure). Our seats were about ten rows in, so we could see everything quite clearly. Another great ...
Well, another PPV just ended, and I can happily say that I was very impressed this time around. WWE did a lot of things right with very few slip-ups. I'll go through a quick recap of the matches, and then what I personally thought of the result, as well as where WWE can go from here. The team/superstar listed first is defending.   Match One: Unified Tag Team Match between Chris Jericho/Big Show and Priceless WWE certainly surprised a lot of people with this move. Many people were saying Chris Masters or Kane, but I read hardly any Big Show predictions. I was skeptical ...

John Morrison: The Star Of WWE ‘Superstars’

Posted by Danny Starry On July - 23 - 2009
WWE Superstars is actually usually one of the better shows in my mind and this week it did not disappoint. It features mainly straight wrestling matches, with little or no ridiculous drama. I'm not saying I'm completely against drama, but when RAW puts on a two—hour show with an hour and a half of drama, it's a bit disappointing. There's an old saying "quality over quantity" and this week's Superstars lived up to that. There were only three matches, but they were all exciting to watch and each lasted longer than thirty seconds. Match One: Christian defeats William Regal It's really a shame ...

Abraham Washington Ruins ECW… Again

Posted by Danny Starry On July - 21 - 2009
To be fair, he didn't actually ruin ECW tonight. The whole show kind of sucked. He definitely helped add to it though, and left me with a feeling of nausea after his main event talk show. How many times is he going to use an unoriginal fat joke on Tommy Dreamer? Tommy eats a ton, Tommy's butt is big, etc. We get it, Tommy is fat. We don't need you pointing that out, we can watch him in the ring to see that he's not the most athletic superstar. I predicted, before the show started, that Tommy and Christian would fight during the show. ...

WWE’s Monday Night Raw Rocks Out with Guest Host ZZ Top

Posted by Danny Starry On July - 20 - 2009
I personally found this week's Raw to be rather disappointing. Maybe it was ZZ Top hosting it, maybe it was the fact that half of the matches were just repeats of last week's. Who knows? Something about this week's Raw just didn't feel right. John Cena started Raw off, announcing that the main event would be Priceless vs. Cena and Triple H and began to say how excited he was for it. Randy Orton interrupted him, however, and after a brief standoff between Legacy and Cena and Triple H, Orton set up the main event so that he was also involved ...

Love Him or Hate Him: ECW’s Zack Ryder Makes an Impact

Posted by Danny Starry On July - 15 - 2009
It's easy to hate Zack Ryder. I can completely understand how he would piss people off. However, I find his character entertaining to watch both athletically and humor-wise. So, today I'll try to see both sides of the Zack Ryder argument.   Reasons to Hate Zack Ryder Reason One: The Catch Phrase. "Woo Woo Woo. You know it!" It's a pretty ridiculous catch phrase all right. I personally find it humorous, but I've heard people say how stupid they think it is, so I guess it's a reason to hate him. Reason Two: The Attire. No one can argue that Zack Ryder sports one of ...

WWE Raw: Thumbs Up for Guest Host Seth Green

Posted by Danny Starry On July - 14 - 2009
It's not often I say this, but I was actually thoroughly impressed with this week's Monday Night Raw. Raw was hosted by Seth Green this week, and Seth got things started quickly by announcing the main event to be Legacy vs. Triple H, John Cena, and Green, himself. Now, Seth Green isn't quite as tall as most of the WWE superstars, setting up quite a few good backstage comedy segments. Everyone from Santino to Big Show seemed to have something to say to Seth, usually concerning his height. My personal favorite backstage moment, believe it or not, involved John Cena. Ordinarily, I'll ...