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TNA presents their annual February PPV—Against All Odds—this Sunday, February 12, 2012. We have seven matches—six of which are actually worth watching—and four of them have a title on the line.Questions abound!Will Bobby Roode retain? Will Bully Ray have Roode's back or break it?Will James Storm get screwed again? Will Hulk Hogan's battery operated back hold up?Will anyone stay awake for Garett vs. Gunner? Will Gail Kim hold off her toughest challenge yet?Will A.J. Styles get revenge? Will Jesse Sorenson remember how to wrestle? Will anyone remember who he is?Will Zema Ion have a better haircut than last we saw him?Most importantly, who will ...
Singer Jennifer Hudson, the one who appears in those annoying weight-loss commercials in which I have to lower the volume of my TV in order to safe the life of my dog, appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Jan. 12. She was there to promote her new book, because she is a “celebrity” and therefore she must have a book, as well as to promote those aforementioned annoying weight-loss commercials in which she says she lost an impressive 80 pounds. When the conversation came to her engagement to David Otunga, the WWE wrestler best known for wearing ...

WWE: Is Chris Jericho Worth the Hype?

Posted by Darcy Fournier On January - 14 - 2012
A great debate has emerged in the Internet Wrestling Community. It’s not about whether Chris Jericho’s return is a success or a failure. It’s about whether or not he is worthy of the hype he has received prior to his most recent return to the WWE. You either love him or you could care less, there doesn't seem to be any common ground. The one thing that cannot be denied by anyone is that Chris Jericho is polarizing. Beyond that lies the mystery. No matter where you are on the issue of success or failure of his return has little ...
A special note...As has been the norm for me over the last three weeks, I bring this review to you sans reading one spoiler of what was to come. I know how tempting it is in today’s society to have constant information at one’s fingertips, but I highly recommend resisting the temptation to read spoilers from the TNA tapings prior to watching the show. It’s a much better show when viewed in that manner.  TNA Impact Insider Air Date: 12/15/11  Impact Momentum coming in: high Since the 11/17 airing, which was, in my opinion, the best Impact in over two ...
TNA presents its annual December PPV this coming Sunday.Here is how I not only hope it unfolds, but how I would book it. It's just my opinion, and I welcome yours in the comments section at the end of the article. TV Title Match: (c) Robbie E vs. Eric YoungRobbie E's title victory over Eric Young a month ago should have breathed fresh air into the TV title scene.Instead, due to his tired, cartoon-like gimmick, his limited ring skills, adding Rob Terry as his body guard and his penchant for over the top antics when it comes to his facial features, body gestures and ...

TNA WRESTLING: Bound for Glory Predictions & How I Would Book the PPV

Posted by Darcy Fournier On October - 15 - 2011
Tag Team Title Match: Mexican America vs. Ink, Inc. The Tag Division within TNA is woefully weak and each tag team in this match, perfectly shows just how weak the division is. Mexican America is perhaps one of the worst tag teams in the history of any wrestling promotion and Ink Inc. only attracts a certain type of fan, they are not universally appealing.It's one of many repeat matches on this card, as we saw Mexican America defeat Ink Inc. earlier this year on another PPV. Match InterestSnooze Fest. Most TNA fans only care about this match to see ...
It seems that on most major wrestling review websites, like for example, TNA is constantly reviewed with a negative bias.  While it is painfully clear that the TNA is not, and has not, performed up to the potential of its roster and has a penchant for inconsistency and a lack of continuity, the product is not nearly as bad as mainstream wrestling review sites, again like the Torch, make it out to be. It's bad, but not that bad.  It is very clear that Wade Keller, founder and Editor of PWTorch, the most well-known and -read wrestling review site ...