Author Archive
Jake Manning: An Up-and-Comer in the Pro Wrestling Circuit
On August - 3 - 2010
I have tried watching both TNA and WWE the last several months and the one thing that remains consistent is that it is either stale and boring or I don't care.
Now, I know that there are a lot of people who feel the same, but there are just as many, if not more, who disagree. I also know that there are people like me who know independent guys that they think should get a shot at the big time.
My guy is a wrestler who goes by the name of the "Man Scout" Jake Manning, who's gimmick is basically an overgrown ...
How Many Times Can You Bring ECW Back From the Dead?
On July - 23 - 2010
Before I even get to my thoughts on what TNA is doing with their whole watered-down ECW angle, I just want to say how much I enjoyed the old ECW.
They were truly a group that appealed to those who want to see sex, blood, and violence to the extreme and if it wasn't for them, the WWF would have never had an Attitude Era.
P.S. Damn Spike TV for screwing them on their TV deal.
But, back to the thought at hand, and that is TNA and its ECW angle.
Last night, I actually watched TNA for the first time since I don't ...
You’re Fired! Five WWE Superstars Who Should Start Packing
On July - 5 - 2010
I have tried to watch the current version of Raw. I have tried to watch the current version of Smackdown. I am not a fan of either right now, whether it's the writing, the characters, or the gimmicky guest GMs.
I will say that they are leaning toward wrestlers who can actually do that, but when you try to establish a lot of young talent at once, you are going to get casualties in the process.
Not everybody is still going to be on the WWE roster come year's end, and that is a fact. Guys like the Undertaker and Triple H ...
Stick To the Ring: All Time Worst Movies Featuring Acting Wrestlers
On June - 28 - 2010
With the creation of WWE films a few years ago, wrestling has now been transformed from crappy segmented story lines into crappy 90 minute movies.
I am not saying that all movies featuring a wrestler as the main character are terrible, but there are definitely ones that take the cake.
Some are so bad that a brief description of the terribleness cannot do them justice.
But I will try...
Get your popcorn, have Mr. Nanny clean you a spot on the couch, and beware of mansized frogs as we take a look at 10 of the worst movies starring a wrestler.Begin Slideshow
World Wrestling Excrement: Why the WWE Stinks So Bad
On June - 7 - 2010
There are literally millions of wrestling fans worldwide that watch World Wrestling Entertainment.
The question is, do they actually enjoy what they are seeing, or do they wish wrestling would go back to a time when it was actually good?
Back in the day, Monday Night Raw was the place to be. Stone Cold, DX, Vince McMahon and others always made for interesting story-lines. We also had a lot of young and talented guys who went out there and did things that hadn't been done, like ladder matches and TLC tag matches.
Where did these days go?
Now when I tune in there ...
The Right to Remain Silent… For a 3 Count: Best Wrestler Mug Shots
On May - 25 - 2010
With the news of yet another arrest in the career of Scott Hall, I got to thinking about who in the wrestling business has been cuffed and stuffed, and who out of this elite group has the best mug shots.
What I can tell you is that there are several that are moderately funny, while others not so much.
None of them however reach the pinnacle of the Nick Nolte mug (pictured above) that combines Hawaiian shirt, drunken confused look, and greasy white man afro.
I have taken the liberty of gathering the best of what I could find, and in ...
The WWE Attitude Era and Five Reasons It was So Successful.
On May - 23 - 2010
Many wrestling fans can agree that the world of pro wrestling is not what it once was. After watching this year's Wrestlemania, I realized how great the old attitude era was.
Every show the WWE did had solid storylines, surprises, and more adult oriented themes. They also had a roster of wrestlers that people actually cared about. But what was it specifically that made the era so great?
There is always a great debate on who and what made wrestling so popular again back in the late 90's. Most people will agree that we will never see an era like that ...
Worst Tag Team Gimmicks in Wrestling History
On May - 19 - 2010
So after writing two previous articles on the worst gimmicks in both the WWE and WCW, I said to myself, "why not go with twice the douchebaggery and attempt to rate the tag teams?"
So, here it is, a list that all but sums up the worst there was in tag team gimmicks. But, please remember that these are tag team gimmicks, not crappy tag teams. If that was not the case I could have any of the Miz's teams on here.
So sit back with some rhythm and blues, try to stay away from the hog slop, and don't be afraid ...
The Ten Worst Gimmicks in WCW History
On May - 17 - 2010
Oh World Championship Wrestling you were so fun to watch. I remember the glory days of the NWO, Goldberg, and yelling "we're out of time, see you Thursday on Thunder!" at the end of every Nitro.
From WCW came the likes of Sting, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, the Steiner brothers, and more. But what they also gave us was a lot of horrible gimmicks throughout their existence.
I have tried as best as I could to compile a top ten list of the worst, which was not hard to do.
There were so many eyebrow raisers as far back as the Bill ...
The 10 Worst Gimmicks in WWE History
On May - 17 - 2010
If you are a wrestling fan like myself you have undoubtedly seen some pretty bad gimmicks over the years.
You've seen everything from a Ugandan Giant that slaps his belly to a guy dressed as a turkey hatching out of an egg.
But alas, there has to be ten of the most horrible gimmicks that Vinnie Mac ever put together, and while it can be debated who goes where in this top ten, there is no question that each is a terrible gimmick.Begin Slideshow