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Even in the world of professional wrestling, there is a fine line between love and hate. While the WWE is not enamored of the recent actions of Ric Flair, it still has a vested interest in “The Nature Boy” and all his shenanigans in and out of the ring. The recent events with the company notwithstanding, the 16-time world champion could have a place in the company that has not been revealed yet. It’s possible the company and its creative team aren’t even aware of it. Let me share it with you firsthand. What if Flair led the face faction against Randy Orton and ...

Could The Miz Revive His WWE Career as Part of the Corporate Angle?

Posted by David Levin On August - 27 - 2013
While the WWE is doing a good job of making Wade Barrett a part of The Corporation (I like to think of him as "Jobber to the Stars"), would it be wise to make other members of the company roster a part of this angle in an effort to revive careers or make mid card wrestlers more marketable. Monday night notwithstanding, The Miz could make some headway in getting over not only with the fans as a true face but also as one of the WWE’s best marketing tools now that John Cena is gone. It would be wise for the company ...

CM Punk and Curtis Axel Cannot Wrestle for the Intercontinental Title

Posted by David Levin On August - 24 - 2013
Now that we know the feud between CM Punk and Curtis Axel will continue on Raw next week when the two compete again, could the intercontinental title be up for grabs in the match? While it was not confirmed that the title would in fact be part of the match (Curtis Axel said Punk did not deserve a title match on SmackDown), putting the intercontinental title on the line in this matchup makes little sense. In my opinion, it knocks the former WWE champion a few rungs down the company ladder. How do you explain a man who is a main event ...

Note to WWE: Do Not Forget About CM Punk in the Corporation Angle

Posted by David Levin On August - 23 - 2013
With all that the WWE is putting into the Daniel Bryan/Corporation angle, the company cannot forget one of its greatest commodities, CM Punk. Now that John Cena is out of action until at least the end of the year and Sheamus is on the mend, the company must look to Punk and other superstars to pick up the slack of losing three major faces in the space of a few weeks. How will the burden of carrying part of the WWE on his back change considering he did the same thing while holding the WWE Title for 434 days, wrestled The ...

Who Should Help Daniel Bryan in the Fight Against The Corporation?

Posted by David Levin On August - 20 - 2013
Why did I get the feeling that John Cena left Daniel Bryan to fight The Corporation by himself. I guess Superman picked a bad time to have elbow surgery. Actually, he picked a perfect time to leave the company for a little recovery time. Cena's injury could not have come at a better time. This allows the WWE to plan events without its cash cow. It allows it to see if Daniel Bryan and others besides CM Punk can take the reins and run.  It's a great time to watch the WWE. I can tell you that for sure, brother! So, what happens next? We ...

SummerSlam 2013: Randy Orton Must Decide Which Side to Take

Posted by David Levin On August - 17 - 2013
Regardless of who wins the WWE title match between John Cena and Daniel Bryan, it is Randy Orton who will rule the company following SummerSlam. The only thing that remains to be seen is which side "The Viper" will take in the turf battle between Vince McMahon and Triple H.  "According to Dave Meltzer, John Cena has already scheduled surgery for his elbow after "SummerSlam," which likely means he's dropping the title to Daniel Bryan (or Randy Orton) at the big show," the story stated. Never has a match meant so little to the WWE title and its holder. John Cena is ...
The card is finally set. We have all matches—signed and sealed. Now, the WWE and SummerSlam have to deliver. The wrestling gods have been notified and are on call until early Monday morning. For a wrestling fan, you cannot ask for three better matches to headline your pay-per-view than the ones we are getting the opportunity to see. The fallout from each of them is so important to the success of the WWE moving forward, toward the final four months of the year, and the success of a new crop of company superstars. It almost seems as if this is a pay-per-view ...
This might be the only time I ever write a story for this site where I can use the topic of religion and wrestling in the same story, but here it goes. If I were a religious man, every night before I went to sleep this week, I would be praying to the wrestling gods for a near-perfect pay-per-view at SummerSlam Sunday night. But with perfection comes the need great matches, great feuds and a great planning on the part of the WWE and its creative team. Since Money in the Bank was the best money show we have seen this ...
Let's get one thing straight. When it comes to the feud between Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow, the blue briefcase is the reason for the feud, not the object of the feud. This is one of those cases (no pun intended) where the rivalry stands alone, that the war of words and the fodder between the two is enough to keep this going for a while. But in the end, there must be a winner and loser. At some point, Sandow will cash his case in (the new one he revealed on SmackDown) and possibly become champion. I said possibly. While his attempts ...

WWE Monday Night Raw: Randy Orton Is Right, the Champ Is Here

Posted by David Levin On August - 6 - 2013
Randy Orton may be the most sensible wrestler in the WWE today. While the fans are fixated on the upcoming match at SummerSlam in Los Angeles between Daniel Bryan and John Cena, the reality is “The Viper” will at some point cash in his title opportunity and become the WWE title holder. Yes, Randy, the champ is here! There is something about Orton you either love or hate. While his nine championship titles are well beyond anything his father, Bob Orton Jr., ever accomplished and his mic skills are somewhat more polished, it is his father’s drive, desire and ability that lies ...