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Ryback and WWE Creative Continue to Insult Our Intelligence

Posted by Derek McKinley On June - 9 - 2012
I've never expected a lot from WWE Creative. In this day and age, it seems like they have all they can manage to just write a show before it airs, let alone make it any good. So I'm not surprised when I see lazy writing from them, because it's become more the norm than the exception. Still, as a fan of wrestling and entertainment, I'm disappointed.We're now several weeks into the Ryback experiment, and nothing seems to have changed. The man once called Skip Sheffield is still absolutely decimating no-name performers, only now it's usually two at a time.Those performers ...

WWE Smackdown: Sandow vs. Ryder Could Be a Throwback to Classic Feuds

Posted by Derek McKinley On May - 22 - 2012
In the last several weeks, the WWE Universe has been repeatedly condescended to by the "Self-professed Intellectual Savior of the Masses" Damien Sandow.Sandow accuses fans on a weekly basis of being blissfully ignorant and insists that he has come to WWE to save them.Honestly, I thought I was going to hate it, but it really is an effective gimmick. Superstars can draw cheap heat by insulting the local cuisine, tourist attractions (or lack thereof), or sports team, but the most effective way is simply to accuse the fans of being stupid, and proving it by being measurably more intelligent than ...
After returning to WWE at Elimination Chamber and to the ring last month, the Mexican Aristocrat, Alberto Del Rio, has re-injected himself into the title picture for the first time since Tables, Ladders and Chairs last year.He joins Chris Jericho, winless on pay-per-view since his return and likely to leave WWE sooner or later, Randy Orton, who wins about 90 percent of the time, but has gotten, let's face it, pretty stale lately with his ho-hum feud against Kane.And finally, World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, or Super-Sheamus it appears, since he won the title in 18 seconds and couldn't even be ...
On the latest edition of WWE SmackDown, a Divas match was contested between newly-crowned WWE Divas Champion Layla, and Natalya. You might have had to take a bathroom break, so maybe you missed it. Too bad, because for the first time in as long as I can remember, the match was actually good. Don't get me wrong, it was still only a smidge over two minutes long—and I know there's a joke in there somewhere—but what I saw left me impressed and, stunningly, wanting more. It's not really a secret that Natalya, the third-generation of wrestling royalty as a member of the Hart ...

Ziggler vs. Ryder Title Match Announced for WrestleMania 29?

Posted by Derek McKinley On May - 4 - 2012
On the most recent edition of Zack Ryder's Z! True Long Island Story, shown below, Ryder reminded his fans why he started the show to begin with, saying, "Last year I started Z! True Long Island Story because I was sick and tired of being on WWE Superstars every week. Yeah, I wanted to be on the main show, Monday Night RAW."This week, Ryder pointed out, he was not on RAW, but found himself once again on Superstars in a winning effort against Michael McGillicutty.He wasn't the only high profile performer relegated to the internet-only broadcast, as Dolph Ziggler "stole ...

WWE: Why It’s Time to Squash the Squash Matches

Posted by Derek McKinley On April - 7 - 2012
When WWE brought Brodus Clay back as "The Funkasaurus," his natural charisma, comedic in-ring quips, and killer dance moves made him an instant hit.To get him over as a wrestler, rather than simply an entertainer, WWE booked him in a never-ending series of squash matches with perpetual jobbers like Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater.Elaborate entrance, a few power moves, pin.Since early January, we've seen more of Naomi and Cameron dancing than we've seen of Brodus Clay wrestling.When WWE advertised the debut of Matt Bloom (A.K.A. A-Train) as the mysterious–and racially insensitive, it appears–Lord Tensai, they booked him in a squash ...

WWE: Eight Not-so-Famous WrestleMania Streaks

Posted by Derek McKinley On March - 17 - 2012
As we travel down what remains of the Road to WrestleMania, The Undertaker prepares to defend his vaunted winning streak against Triple H for the third time.The Undertaker's streak of WrestleMania victories, as fans the world over are well aware, has run all the way up to 19 consecutive wins, a feat that will almost assuredly never be matched.While it is the most celebrated record of the last two and a half decades, it is not the only streak at the big dance.Here are a few WrestleMania* streaks that will live on in the annals of wrestling infamy. * I'll be ...

WrestleMania 28: Ryder Releases Special Z!TLIS, Asks to Join Team Teddy

Posted by Derek McKinley On March - 13 - 2012
With the announcement of a six-on-six tag team match to determine the General Manager of Raw and SmackDown, the teams have already begun to take shape.Last night on Raw, Team Johnny introduced obvious team captain David Otunga, as well as "The World's Strongest Man," Mark Henry.Team Teddy likely consists of team captain Santino Marella as well as the new team of Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.There has been speculation about who will fill out the remaining spots, with names like Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, among others, being considered as likely candidates.Today, however, the story ...
While there has been very little build between the Superstars themselves for the match between World Heavyweight champion Daniel Bryan and Royal Rumble winner Sheamus, there is one storyline that has been building since November and must culminate at WrestleMania for a number of reasons. As I've written in the past, Daniel Bryan's mistreatment of his girlfriend AJ has gone a long way toward establishing him as a heel. Certainly it has done more for him than his "Vegan Role Model" gimmick.On the most recent episode of SmackDown, Bryan's verbally abusive behavior was on display, as he quickly told AJ ...