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WWE Bragging Rights: Several Surprise Matches Added To The Event?!

Posted by Dylan Thomas On October - 24 - 2010
So with UFC 121 over and Cain Velasquez beating Brock Lesnar by TKO, we move onto the weekend’s second big event in WWE Bragging Rights. It really doesn’t rival UFC 121 in terms of hype or match quality, but hopefully it should be a surprisingly good event. Check out another one of my articles on a possible Lesnar vs. The Undertaker match at WrestleMania 27: It was largely slated last year but we got an okay event Orton/Cena’s 60 minute Iron Match was a successful blow-off to their feud, Miz and Morrison went at it. And we got the beginnings of Batista’s heel ...
At Bragging Rights later today, the Unified Divas Championship is on the line, in a match pitting Natalya against Layla. So how can this match and its outcome make the women’s division more interesting? Well, here are eight reasons.   Check out another one of my articles on a possible Lesnar vs. The Undertaker match at WrestleMania 27:   Number One – Natalya Crowned New Champion. A member of The Hart Dynasty and one the best female (if not company) workers could become a Divas champion for the first time in the WWE. She has great in-ring potential and is also rather good-looking. With Natalya as ...

WWE News: Matt Hardy Finally Released!

Posted by Dylan Thomas On October - 15 - 2010
Earlier today, Matt Hardy tweeted one of his usual teases “What's up all? I hope today is treating u good. I'm excited, just heard the news an announcement I've been waitin 4 is happening shortly! :)."   It is now official. The WWE website has announced that Matt Hardy has be future endeavoured and has been released from the company. We have been expecting this news for a long time now but it is finally here.   Hardy has also just recently tweeted “Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ...

WWE Raw: Hits & Misses, Orton, Cena, Nexus, Sheamus & More!

Posted by Dylan Thomas On October - 5 - 2010
The Opening Segment—Hit/Miss. I liked the way that Barrett openly questioned Otunga’s decision to hatch a plan. It showed some tension in the group and gave others more of a personality. I also liked the way Husky and Michael were mentioned by Barrett as the mystery attackers. At least he could spot them when Cole/Striker couldn’t. The fact the General Manager came in and ordered Cena that he must obey Nexus as that was the stipulation in their match was good, but the WWE also dropped the ball on some potential intrigue at least until next week. They should have left us hanging, ...
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus – Hit The best match of the night easily and a far better Hell In A Cell match than the other cell match. It was a really physical match that both guys will be feeling tonight. I was not a fan of how Sheamus wasn’t allowed to kick out of at least one RKO, but hey, Orton is the biggest thing in WWE at this time. I see one more match between these two at Bragging Rights, maybe a Last Man Standing or Iron Man Match!   The Undertaker vs. Kane – Miss I just didn’t get into this, and the ...

WWE Hell in a Cell Results: What We Can Expect at WWE Bragging Rights!

Posted by Dylan Thomas On October - 4 - 2010
So Hell In A Cell is over, it was an okay event, and most surprisingly on a WWE pay-per-view event, no titles changed hands. And we ended with a heel champion retaining to end the show. Morrison/Danielson/Miz was an entertaining spotfest which featuring a surprising amount of unique submission manoeuvres. Natalya and McCool had a silly ending with the referee looking dumb for just giving LayCool the DQ finish they wanted. Edge and Swagger was a nice surprise to the card, and the talking segment with Del Rio was okay, but it could have been much better. The match itself seemed strange. Can the ...
With WWE Hell In A Cell tonight, just 13 days since Night Of Champions and with only five matches announced, I thought I'd give you my predictions on the matches and matches that will be announced on the night. There are many interesting facts stemming from HIAC matches. The first time a title changed hands in a Hell in a Cell match was in 2009, when The Undertaker won the World Heavyweight Championship and Randy Orton won the WWE Championship from CM Punk and John Cena respectively. What does this fact mean for the event tonight? John Cena vs. Wade Barrett — Wade ...
The Hell In A Cell match inception in October 1997 at Badd Blood saw the birth of the 20 foot high, 5 tons of steel cell. And ever since, it has been one of WWE’s headline matches attracting a big buzz and unforgettable matches. It is described as “career ending” and “Satan’s structure;” it has mainly been used to end the most intense rivalries. The cell was introduced at Badd Blood; it all began when Shawn Michaels cost The Undertaker the WWF Championship in a match with Bret Hart. Michaels and ‘Taker fought one-on-one at In Your House: Ground Zero but it ...

WWE Hell in a Cell: 10 Things You Need to Know About Undertaker-Kane

Posted by Dylan Thomas On October - 2 - 2010
In November 1990 at the Survivor Series, The Undertaker made his debut as the mystery partner of Ted DiBiase’s Million Dollar team. And in October in 1997 at Badd Blood: In Your House, Kane made his debut after Paul Bearer began tormenting The Undertaker by telling him that his long-lost half-brother, Kane, was alive. Kane cost The Undertaker victory in the first ever Hell In A Cell match with Shawn Michaels. So with Hell In A Cell just tomorrow night and their feud together starting in HIAC could it finish there tomorrow night?So I thought I would go through ten ...

Chris Jericho: “Man of 1,004 Holds” Is Greatness Personified!

Posted by Dylan Thomas On September - 28 - 2010
On Monday night's Raw, we saw Jericho’s demise in WWE for the time being. I do hope he is back by WrestleMania, hopefully in a white-hot feud with Orton for the title. But anyway, we saw him list the people that he has beaten in his career, ranging from Japan, TNA, and WCW to the WWE in a parody of his "1,004 holds" promo. His list of competitors includes Michaels, Austin, Rock, Hunter, Eddie, Rey, JBL, Big Show, Edge, Taker (twice), MVP, C.M Punk, Vader I and II, Villano I-V, Juventud Guerrera, Mendoza, Great Muta, Chono, Funaki, Fuyuki, Yoshi Tatsu, Saturn, ...