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Please note that this article is about women wrestling. There are no divas in the slides and no mention of the WWE (except for bashing purposes). The following slides are what people, not only me, consider the greatest women's wrestling match in the entire world.There will be no exaggeration on my end. I'm sure that in this day and age, a lot of fans would consider John Cena the greatest wrestler ever. In this site alone, a lot of fans would enjoy John Cena's wrestling and I would just laugh at them.Certainly the only people that would touch this article are those ...
Remember when Scott Hall invaded WCW when everyone thought he was still in the WWE? He grabbed a mic and waged war on WCW. That is an awesome angle and people will always talk about it because it is that good. Scott Hall is a nobody now but when the Monday Night War is a topic, Scott Hall is always part of the talk.That is a good angle. Now remember Katie Vick? Triple H feuded with Kane and he revealed Kane's past to the delight of the crowd. He then re-enacted Kane's devious past and had his way with a doll ...

WWE Cryptic Promo: A Thousand Dollar Bet, Its Sting Baby!

Posted by Ed_Cap On February - 2 - 2011
So the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) is in a storm of debate right now. The WWE aired a mysterious promo last Monday on RAW about a mysterious man in a trench coat walking in the rain. When I saw that 18-second promo, I knew right then and there, its Sting.  I mean if Sting wanted to go to TNA then we should know by now with all the gossip here on the internet, but no—it's still unclear if he is heading to TNA. Think about it: Booker T and Kevin Nash signed a contract with the WWE to appear at the Royal ...

WWE Royal Rumble: The Top 5 Performers of the 40-Man Rumble

Posted by Ed_Cap On January - 31 - 2011
After a long time of proclaiming the world that it was his destiny, Alberto del Rio shocked the world when he eliminated Santino Marella Sunday night and won the 2011 Royal Rumble in his rookie debut. Brock Lesnar and Ric Flair also won their debut rumble and if history was to judge, our Mexican aristocrat will be champion in no time.The rumble is all about Alberto but there are also some WWE superstars who stood out and made this rumble special. Booker T and Kevin Nash returned to the WWE and even though they didn't have a strong showing, the road to ...

WWE Royal Rumble: Isn’t 40 Superstars a Little Desperate?

Posted by Ed_Cap On January - 21 - 2011
So for the first time in the history of the Royal Rumble, the WWE has pulled all punches and dished us a 40-man Royal Rumble. Adding 10 more men means more eliminations, the odds have significantly changed and there are more rumble moments given to fans. When I heard the news, I actually jumped on it. I mean sure, 10 more men means more fun and the rumble will be a lot more longer. This rumble may beat the longest 30 men rumble match back at 2002.  My only question is, why? The first thing that struck me is tradition. Since 1989, 30 ...
There is no doubt about it, when a gimmick match is presented it is going to be special. After all there is the bound to be something special that will happen in gimmick matches. The promise of blood shed, the sight of carnage, the high spots and the crazy risks superstars will put themselves through is enough to put gimmick matches above ordinary single matches or tag team bouts.The same can't be said to Item in a Pole matches. There is just something about these pole matches that reeks of absolute suck-ness. I think its unanimous that whenever a Item ...

Celebrating Wrestling: The Top 50 Royal Rumble Eliminations

Posted by Ed_Cap On January - 11 - 2011
The Royal Rumble is by far, the most exciting match of the WWE. This match is a time tested method of how the "anything can happen" rule of wrestling takes in effect. A thirty man battle royal where two superstars starts in the ring and in different time intervals another superstar comes in and joins the fray. The winner of the match is guaranteed a championship main event match at Wrestlemania.I recently got all twenty two Royal Rumble pay per views and watched them all consecutively. Some Rumble matches where amazing with surprises appearing left and right. Other rumbles would be ...

Celebrating Wrestling: The Top 50 WWE Moments of 2010

Posted by Ed_Cap On December - 24 - 2010
So 2010 is about to pass with only two weeks remaining. The WWE is now getting ready for their next pay per view, The Royal Rumble. This year was a very eventful year for the WWE. It is only right that we highlight those moments. I present to you now the most memorable moments of 2010.Oh yes, WWE did a lot this year that surprised us, excites us and even angered us. There were fun moments and then there stupidly lame ones. Overall it was a nice year and WWE fans certainly got the best of it all.If you believe I missed ...

WWE Chairs Match: The Lamest Specialty Match Ever

Posted by Ed_Cap On December - 13 - 2010
The WWE decided to create a theme PPV built around the Table, Ladders and Chair concept. We have a Table match, a Ladder match and with no introduction or buid up whatsoever, they slided in a Chairs match. What exactly is a Chairs match? The WWE never actually introduced the rules. Fans speculated long and hard before the event. A chairs match could be a match where they beat a wrestler so bad then sit them in a chair then the referee counts to ten. It could also be a match where a Chair is hung in a pole, reminiscent of the ...
A career that stretched out from Mexico to Japan, from ECW to WCW and finally to the WWE. Eddie Guerrero is no doubt one wrestling's greatest treasure. The Mexican american wrestler honed his craft of lucha libre and perfected it wrestling in Japan. Its a wonderful mix of styles and technique that can only be found on a wrestler like Eddie. He lie, cheat and steal! and he's very proud of it. He made his career entertaining fans with deceitful tactics and dirty tricks. Battling a series of drug addictions, Eddie Guerrero is a perfect example of rising through the ranks. He ...