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Author Archive

Ten Men That Can Win The 2011 Royal Rumble… Again

Posted by Elson Kakaire On December - 29 - 2010
Hey there Bleachers.A few months ago, I did an article predicting who I thought would win the Royal Rumble. Now much has changed since that article and I have revamped my predictions for the January event.Since my last article the MITB has been cashed in and the WWE and World Heavyweight champions have been replaced.Here is my article from before if anybody wants to remind themselves of my predictions and then see how they vary from this new one: Slideshow

King of the Ring: Predictions, Matches and Winner

Posted by Elson Kakaire On November - 28 - 2010
The King of the Ring is just a few hours away, and I'm one of the people who are excited to see in what direction WWE goes with this. I am going to try my best to not only predict the winner but also predict the matches and outcome of each of these matches.The most logical thing to do would be heel vs. faces matches to start off with.So with that said, I think the first match will be...Begin Slideshow

WWE: My General Rant After Survivor Series and RAW

Posted by Elson Kakaire On November - 23 - 2010
Hey there fellow Bleachers, The last two days in the WWE has been a bit of a roller coaster and I just feel as if I gotta get a few things off my chest. Let's start from the beginning with Survivor Series, which I think was a big let down. Except for the World title matches and the Divas match, every other match had a one-week build which is not gonna get anybody interested in the PPV. Seems to me that WWE purposefully did this so they can have an excuse to scrap this PPV, which is something they've wanted to do for ...

How WWE Can Improve Bragging Rights For Next Year

Posted by Elson Kakaire On November - 15 - 2010
Hey there Bleachers. Since it's been a few weeks since Bragging Rights, I've had ample time to think about how WWE can make next year's Bragging Rights good without compromising Survivor Series, which happens a few weeks later. I am a fan of the whole Raw vs Smackdown theme, but there wasn't enough of it this year. Apart from the seven on seven elimination tag match, there was not much to brag about this year for either brand. Yes, there was the Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler match, which was solid. But the build-up to the match was minimal and there was ...

WWE: 10 Wrestlers Who Can Up Their Cred at This Year’s Survivor Series

Posted by Elson Kakaire On October - 31 - 2010
With this year's Survivor Series fast approaching, there are a select group of superstars who will have the opportunity to see their stock rise after the event is over with. Whether they are in singles competition or involved in a traditional Survivor Series-style match, each of these 10 superstars have that chance.So starting with No. 10...Begin Slideshow

Bragging Rights Predictions

Posted by Elson Kakaire On October - 22 - 2010
Hey there fellow bleachers. I'm here to give my predictions on the upcoming Bragging Rights PPV. I am one of those people that has faith in this Bragging Rights concept but I think that they need to work on this a bit more as it has potential.Anyway, there are some good matches on the card for this Sunday which could be a little hard to predict but I'm gonna give it my best shot.Begin Slideshow