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Rumor has it, that prior to the greatest mark out moment in wrestling history, WWE superstars and diva's put on an episode of Raw that lasted about one hour and 57 minutes. Among the participants in the show were John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk and the New Nexus and King Sheamus. Though my memory of these events is foggy, I will try to analyze the significance of this show and figure out what it could mean for the Elimination Chamber. CM Punk is officially the most complete character on the WWE roster. He managed to defeat John Cena to open ...
Many articles written by members of the Internet Wrestling Community can be summed up in a brief sentence: John Cena sucks; John Morrison and every other young star should be pushed immediately. This sentiment does not reflect the reality of today's WWE. The truth is that when looking at the participants in this year's Royal Rumble pay-per-view, you can quickly see that the WWE roster is busting at the seams with former champions and upcoming stars who have received main event pushes in recent years. The WWE deserves credit for successfully pushing stars like the current WWE champion The Miz, two-time champion Sheamus and future champion Wade ...
I have not written many articles for Bleacher Report lately. Instead, I have just been enjoying the work written by others. Just about all of the work I have read has been interesting, well thought out and very creative. I especially enjoy predictions and speculation about the future course of various speculation and superstars. The operative word in that paragraph is "speculation." What bothers me are articles written with either the implicit or explicit suggestion that the author is aware of WWE's creative plans. Indeed there are many people within the Internet Wrestling Community who claim they know what WWE's "tentative" plans ...

Lance Cade: R.I.P. WWE Superstar Lance “Cade” McNaught

Posted by Evan Fein On August - 13 - 2010
Former WWE Superstar Lance K. McNaught has died at the age of 29. He was best known for his "hillbilly"  tag team theme with Trevor Murdoch. He was trained by Shawn Michaels and made his professional debut in 1999 after seeing some action in Japan. After spending some time in OVW in 2003 where he formed a tag team with Mark Jindark, he was promoted to Raw later that year. While in the WWE, Cade and Murdoch were in a very brief side storyline where they fought against Degeneration X. They were shown as a prominent tag team and a very real threat to ...

The Only Real Honest Man: Who Is Alberto Del Rio?

Posted by Evan Fein On August - 5 - 2010
In recent weeks, several vignette's have appeared on Smackdown introducing the WWE universe to Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio appears to be the whole package, at least on the mic. He exudes charisma, class, and possesses a unique sort of Latin charm. Think of Eddie Guerrero as a billionaire in a suit. Every successful superstar needs to bring something different or new to the table. Del Rio presents himself as a role model for all the fans. But unlike other arrogant heels who endlessly rave about their amazing looks and abilities, Del Rio emphasizes the power of the mind. He takes great pride in ...

By the Odds: Who Will Win the WWE Title Match at Fatal 4-Way?

Posted by Evan Fein On June - 19 - 2010
On Sunday, for the first time ever, WWE will have a pay-per-view called "Fatal 4-way." The concept is that all the main events will be contested under Fatal four way rules. All four men will enter the ring at the same time and the first person to score a pinfall or submission wins. The champion does not have to be pinned to lose his title. The competitors are WWE champion John Cena, "The Rated-R Superstar" Edge, "The Viper" Randy Orton and "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus. All four men have held the WWE title before. Randy Orton is the only man of ...
Despite the Daniel Bryan incident, the attacks by the NXT rookies have become some of the most popular angles in ages. Due to the nature of the attacks and WWE's past history with storylines like these, it is generally believed that there is an established wrestler or persona behind these attacks. Some people also believe that this angle is connected to the "Who attacked Undertaker" storyline on Smackdown? I have also written an article about that angle, in conjunction with this one. It can be found here: ( Here I will examine the odds of various individuals masterminding the attack and ...
There are two questions on the minds of WWE fans: Who is the NXT mastermind, and who attacked the Undertaker? These are two of the best storylines in recent memory. Could they be related? Perhaps. This slideshow will break down, by the odds, who the culprit of the Undertaker attack might be. Is his identity obvious? Is he a main eventer? Is he a midcarder looking to make an impact? Is "he" multiple people? Could "he" be a she? So let us figure out whodunnit!Begin Slideshow
WWE's "Apex Predator" has become arguably the most popular wrestler in the company. Despite a solid move set and a great persona that brings back memories of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Orton was helped by his impressive pedigree. His father, "Cowboy Bob Orton" was a well-known villain who was part of the very first Wrestlemania. His grandfather, Robert Dale "Bob" Orton, wrestled for various promotions affiliated with the NWA. Randy debuted in the WWE in 2002 at age 21. He was not without his issues while breaking into the business. His family influence certainly helped him remain afloat despite these personal ...

A Controversial Top 10: The 10 Most Debated Wrestling Figures

Posted by Evan Fein On May - 29 - 2010
Like many other writers on the Bleacher Report, my articles have generated a lot of controversy. No good article or top 10 list will satisfy everyone. They will all include questionable omissions. That gave me an idea. Which wrestlers or wrestling figures are synonymous with controversy? What names will generate a flame war at their mere mention? There are a lot, but I will try to narrow it down to the top 10. I have one specific criteria for this list: If I go on youtube or a professional wrestling forum, will bringing up the person bring arguments? Will it start a ...