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Author Archive

WWE Draft 2011: Raw and SmackDown, Who Goes and Who Stays?

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On April - 23 - 2011
Hey Bleachers! It's been a while since my last article and since the 2011 WWE Draft is only two days away, I figured what would be a better topic to talk about? I've compiled a list of my choices for possible moves and who they would be feuding and/or teaming up with. All comments are welcomed! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!Begin Slideshow

WWE Sound Off: Monday Night Raw Thoughts

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On March - 15 - 2011
Evening Bleachers! It's Eyve here delivering you a rare article of my thoughts on tonight's Raw. I usually wouldn't write an article because I do most of my ranting on Twitter but 140 characters is clearly not enough so please enjoy!  The Rock’s Opening Promo (5/10) I know all of you are like what, 5 out of 10? Blasphemy! Nope, not this time. I personally thought The Rock’s promo was weak and here's why. One, he wasn’t in St. Louis live and two, it wasn’t funny at all. Whenever I even think about a Rock promo, I know I'm in for a laugh and some tears because he ...

GQ Magazine: WWE Edition

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On March - 1 - 2011
Happy Tuesday Bleachers! Today I bring you a slideshow dedicated to the men of the WWE. I noticed that there are only slideshows dedicated to the Divas and not the men, so hopefully with your approval I can give the ladies something they can drool over. Men are free to comment, but honestly, I don't expect any to do so in fear of coming off as "homosexual."Enjoy Ladies!Begin Slideshow

TNA’s Jeff Hardy: Why the Anti-Christ of Wrestling Is a Good Heel

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On February - 27 - 2011
This article is to explain why I think Jeff Hardy is better off in and a better heel in TNA. In the end, you can have your opinion on it, but hopefully after you read my side, you'll have more of an open mind. When Jeff retired (well he was fired), I admit I teared. I got sad. I hated CM Punk (for the moment), but that never lasts because I love CM Punk too much. I wondered what would he do next? Will we ever see him again? Is he going to continue wrestling? And then, the unexpected and yet expected thing happened. Jeff ...

WWE Rumors: The Reason Behind Sheamus’ Push Being Slowed Down

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On February - 20 - 2011
As of lately, besides being the 2010 King of the Ring, Sheamus hasn't really done anything relevant since losing the WWE Championship to Randy Orton at Night of Champions last year. Is there a reason behind that? From what I've read online, yes. There is one name that is behind the Celtic Warrior's spotlight being turned off: Kevin Dunn. Kevin Dunn is the Executive Vice President of Television Production and reportedly has the second biggest say in the company's creativity direction behind the CEO, Vince McMahon. So I'm sure everyone's main question is why? Supposedly Kevin Dunn hasn't been too impressed with Sheamus ever ...

WWE’s Kelly Kelly: Do Not Let the Babyface Fool You

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On February - 12 - 2011
There have been various articles and online sources reporting that the WWE Creative Team has brought up the possibility of turning SmackDown’s Blonde Bombshell, Kelly Kelly, into a heel. I have seen a few articles here in the Bleacher community saying why she can’t, so I had to really sit down and think about this. My conclusion is that I believe she can do it and I’m going to explain to you why. Kelly Kelly started her WWE career in 2006, on ECW, doing stripteases for the crowd which eventually turned into Kelly's Exposé. She was paired on-screen with Mike Knox, who ...

TNA: Kurt Angle Upset With Jarrett Family Storyline

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On February - 6 - 2011
Hey Bleachers and Bleachettes! Alas the weekend has come to its end so I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I decided to end my weekend off by writing my very first article about TNA so I hope you guys enjoy. So if you watched last Thursdays' iMPACT, you saw the new segment featuring Karen and Jeff Jarrett giving the fans a view of their home. Not only did we see the inside of their house, but we did get to see their kids (from previous relationships) as well. Obviously, Karen and Jeff have no problem with flaunting their new marriage to ...
Hey Bleachers and Bleachettes! It is Eyve here to give you a slideshow of my favorite and hopefully your favorite WWE tag teams and stables. Now we all know the current roster of tag teams in the WWE has clearly no chance of surviving 2011 if Vince doesn't realize this and makes a change quickly. As much as I'll be keeping hope alive, as well you should too, I thought I'd put together a little slideshow to remind us of the tag team and stables that kept the Attitude Era and so on alive. Please enjoy!Begin Slideshow

Monday Night Raw, January 31, 2011 (Royal Rumble Thoughts, Included)

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On February - 1 - 2011
I haven’t published an article in a while, and after watching tonight’s disappointment of Raw, I felt the need to vent. Tonight was a disappointment and I will tell you why. First off, let me say that I did not order the Royal Rumble, although I initially wanted to in the beginning but after reading the results, I’m glad I did not. First, why is the Miz still champion? Now, I hate the Miz, I hate him as champion and as much as I hate his title reign, the fact that the writers can only give the man one clean ...

WWE Storylines: Mixing Business with Pleasure Good for the Company?

Posted by Eyve Rodriguez On January - 22 - 2011
Hey Bleachers, what’s up? This article features my opinion on the storylines of the WWE. What bought me here was the Hardy Boys DVD where Matt is talking about his storyline with Edge and Lita. I just wanted to offer my insight on whether on not superstars should expect the unexpected when it comes to these storylines.  Enter Amy Dumas (known on screen as Lita), Matt Hardy and Adam Copeland (known on screen as Edge). After her stint with Essa Rios, Lita was paired with real-life friends Jeff and Matt Hardy to form the stable Team Extreme. They lit up stadiums with Lita’s power ...