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Author Archive

TNA: The Future Is Now

Posted by Faysal Shehail On October - 23 - 2009
Hello fellow B/R readers and contributors, First of all, I would like to apologize for my absence; I have moved to a new country, so I have been busy with keeping up with my new school, new friends, new life. But I'm glad that I'm able to be here today and share my opinions and views with you guys. And now to the article. I hate to be the "I told you so" kind of guy, but a few weeks ago I wrote an article about how I believed that this year's Bound For Glory PPV would be a good one, and how ...

John Cena Off Raw: Studying the Implications of “WWE Bragging Rights”

Posted by Faysal Shehail On October - 9 - 2009
On the last episode of Raw, a match was added for the latest WWE PPV: Bragging Rights. Randy Orton vs. John Cena yet again. But this time, it will be an "anything goes" Iron Man match for the WWE championship. If Cena wins, he get's the title. If Orton wins, Cena has to leave Raw. For the past year, I have noticed that Orton was getting more of a push than Cena—I guess he's the WWE's top guy right now. But Cena has been the poster boy for the WWE since 2005, so (for the WWE) this is not just some ordinary feud. However, for ...

Adam “Edge” Copeland, Get Well Soon

Posted by Faysal Shehail On October - 2 - 2009
After a miserably failing attempt to create some laughter by writing a comedic article, I have come back to write a regular wrestling-related article. And I really hope that the B/R community enjoys this one (since I got bashed from the last one), since this one is a real heartfelt article for one of my favorite superstars. Dear Edge, We miss you. Get well soon. Adam Copeland is a pioneer of professional wrestling, he has made such an impact on all of us who have watched the WWE in the past decade. Whether as a half of arguably one of the best tag teams ...

Time to Play the Game: A [Fake] Interview With HHH

Posted by Faysal Shehail On September - 29 - 2009
Most of the "Internet Wrestling Community," or the "smarks" or whatever these people call themselves, hold a huge grudge against HHH and claim that he hogs all the attention and uses backstage politics to get whatever he wants. In this [un]fortunate day, I had a chance to meet with none other than Hunter Hearst Helmsley. During this interview, we discuss alot of aspects including: his position within the WWE, his fanbase, his character, his dominance, his numerous title reigns...and a lot more!   FS: Triple H, it is an honor to finally meet you and have this interview with you.. HHH: Yes, Faysal. It is ...

TNA Bound For Glory Shows the Writing Skills WWE Lacks

Posted by Faysal Shehail On September - 28 - 2009
Well, TNA's biggest pay-per-view of the year, Bound For Glory, is upon us. As much as I hate to admit it, they built up for it magnificently. Honestly, how long has it been since we have seen a WWE storyline that had a long-term build? Ages. It seems nowadays that the WWE comes up with stuff on the spot without a second thought. It's quite frustrating to see repetitive Orton-Cena-HHH storylines for the past three years. And let's not forget the feud of the summer: Chavo vs. Hornswoggle! One of the many aspects of the WWE that makes the die-hard wrestling fan complain is the lack of fresh ideas. ...

Batista: Please Don’t Ruin Smackdown

Posted by Faysal Shehail On September - 21 - 2009
We all heard about Batista's "career altering announcement" on Raw. And it turns out the the only career he will be altering is the career of the numerous up-and-coming stars on Smackdown. And in his first week upon his return, Batista has squashed both the No. 1 contender for the WWE title, Randy Orton, and one half of the unified tag-team champions, Chris Jericho. We all know Vince McMahon's vision of big, powerful men as marketing tools, with total disregard of their in-ring abilities or charisma, and there isn't a greater example of that than Dave Batista. Haven't you ever heard of the ...

WWE Breaking Point: My Predictions

Posted by Faysal Shehail On September - 13 - 2009
I am going on a limb here and calling this one of the worst decisions of a PPV that the WWE has done since the infamous December To Dismember. Making all main event matches submission-related was an extremely bad idea; we all know that it would be a very bad decision to make a top face submit in any sort because it will make him seem weak, and since probably the top four babyfaces in the company are in submission matches [Undertaker, Cena, HHH and Shawn Michealse], there is a big chance that all of them will win. The only subtle (and reasonable) ...

Questions Left Unanswered After SummerSlam

Posted by Faysal Shehail On August - 25 - 2009
Last night the WWE had the third of their "Top Four" PPV's of 2009, Summerslam. It was a fine PPV with quality matches and nice outcomes. We witnessed only one title change last night when CM Punk defeated Jeff Hardy to reclaim "his" World Heavyweight championship , Randy Orton retained the WWE champioinship after defeating John Cena, Rey Mysterio defeating Dolph Ziggler to retain the Intercontinental championship, and D-Generation X defeated The Legacy. However, alot of questions have troubled my mind after watching the "Biggest Party Of The Summer", and here are a few of them...Begin Slideshow