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Author Archive

FoleyIsGod Reacts: Viewers Choice and My Faith in Humanity

Posted by FoleyIsGod On June - 12 - 2010
  I sometimes read the opinions of other writers when it comes to the wrestling industry, WWE in particular, and have noticed that quite frequently writers tend to refer to the "IWC" or Internet wrestling community.  They use this term in a mutually exclusive manner.  In other words, there are those that choose to express their feelings about the state of wrestling on the Internet, and then there is everyone else. I propose that these two communities are not so different and that, in fact, we should use a different term to differentiate the two groups. First, however, I would like ...

FoleyIsGod Reacts: Lotta Love for TNA

Posted by FoleyIsGod On June - 6 - 2010
For all the stuff that makes you turn the channel/grit your teeth on IMPACT!, I thought one highlight from Thursday might draw readers' attention.  TNA, in trying to either restore their karma or just shock viewers with their competence, has hired a new "big" woman to fill Awesome Kong's very large shoes. However, in surprising fashion, they have introduced her as a sassy, babyface woman who doesn't care what others think and believes big is beautiful. What a refreshing gimmick for a mainstream wrestling promotion!  A positive message about beauty and image, coming from a potential future role model? In wrestling? I ...

Top 10 Ways TNA Can Turn the Ship Around

Posted by FoleyIsGod On June - 1 - 2010
It's hard to believe at times but TNA has actually become incrementally better since its January 4th re-launch under Hogan and Bischoff. However, every time they seem to fix something, another blunder rears its red and yellow head. One step forward and two steps back. With a talent roster as stacked as they have it, and with the in-ring talent and product arguably stronger than that of their major competitor, it would take Tsunami level ignorance to screw this up. Right? I present ten ways to improve the product, please comment!Begin Slideshow

End The Divas Division

Posted by FoleyIsGod On November - 25 - 2009
I'm not saying I don't make the occasional spelling error here and there but GOD DAMN, if you're going to be hosting the Governor who also happens to be a hall of famer for your company, maybe run a spell check on the intro graphic. I've actually been pretty down on WWE lately as it seems everything they do is fail.  They're not getting the audience reaction they want, the product seems stale and the momentum they seemed to have gained between February and June has all but dissipated into cliches, redundancies and audience confusion. No more is this obviously apparent than ...

Jeremy Piven on Raw Makes Me Want to Eat My Own Face

Posted by FoleyIsGod On August - 5 - 2009
The guest host gimmick has had its ups and downs.  Notable guests include Shaq, Seth Greene and Ted Dibiase, the Million Dollar Man.  Each brought something new and unique to the show and added to the storyline in one way or another. Besides ZZ Top, who didn't seem like they knew where they were most of the time and provided the absolute worst guitar synching I've ever seen (most 13-year-old air guitarists are more convincing), there haven't been a whole lot of letdowns yet. Enter Jeremy Piven. The night started off innocently enough with announcer Lillian Garcia going over Piven's credentials and ending ...

The Five Worst Gimmicks in the WWE Today

Posted by FoleyIsGod On June - 23 - 2009
Sure people talk about bad gimmicks across wrestling history, but what are the worst gimmicks in WWE right now? In today's "realistic" atmosphere, with wrestlers supposed to be playing characters with personalities that are extensions of their own, it boggles the mind sometimes how some of these concepts make the cut or at least how they are portrayed. Lets see what wrestlers test my patience.