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Author Archive

CvC: The Natural Choice for Greatest Face of a Promotion

Posted by George Peterson On December - 19 - 2009
What can you say about Ric Flair, that hasn't been said thousands of times before? Not a whole heck of a lot. Whether it be the titles won, the signature catch phrases or pure wrestling ability, the Nature Boy stands in very select company when arguing who is the greatest pro wrestler of all time. That isn't the basisĀ for this CvC, however. The argument is for the greatest face in any promotion ever. The best way that I can consider answering that is only by my personal experiences as a wrestling fan since 1981. At that time, growing up in Connecticut, the heart of the ...

Impact? Let Me Tell You The Wrestler Who Impacted Them All!

Posted by George Peterson On September - 17 - 2009
"I remember when..."—Those dreaded words, I would argue, that every human being hears at least one time in their life. Usually the words are uttered by someone whose skin is a little more worn and wrinkled than your own. The knowledge about to be bestowed sits inside a head covered by one of three things: thinning white hairs, a bad toupee or wig to cling on to a final, vain grasp of vanity or an unnatural shine reminiscent of the glare you see from a car sitting in a showroom. Have I lost you yet? It's funny really, because as much as we all want to ...

In Search Of The Greatest Wrestler Of All Time, Part One

Posted by George Peterson On September - 6 - 2009
Just like any other form of sports or entertainment, pro wrestling has seen its share of greats. With that fact always comes the argument over who was the best in that given field. More important than the question of who is the greatest of all time is probably determining what criteria is used to come to a conclusion. Littered throughout the many fine articles written in the B/R wrestling community, like the 'Spotlighting the Indies' series for example where the time and dedication by each writer in that series really shines, is the inevitable list of the top wrestlers of all time lists. Sadly, ...

Masters Of The Mic: The Grand Wizard Of Wrestling, Superstar Billy Graham

Posted by George Peterson On August - 21 - 2009
Of the many managers in the history of professional wrestling, there is always that one wrestler or tag team who becomes synonimous with that manager. Think of the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering comes to mind. The Four Horsemen...JJ Dillon and so on. When fans, mostly older, think of Superstar Billy Graham, many times their thoughts focus on the Grand Wizard of Wrestling, Ernie Roth. Roth, whose professional career began as a disc jockey and wrestling announcer, first came to prominence in the world of pro wrestling as Abdullah Farouk, in the old Detroit territory. As manager of the legendary Sheik, Farouk adorned himself with ...

Masters of the Mic: Classy Freddie Blassie

Posted by George Peterson On August - 18 - 2009
In this series, I will spotlight the people in wrestling history, chronologically, whose use of the promo catapulted them to the elite levels of the industry.  While it may have been easier just to do a slideshow spotlighting these competitors, in the end, I felt it wouldn't give enough justice to these truly unique individuals and their bodies of work which made them so special. Long before Stone Cold Steve Austin uncorked his "Austin 3:16" at the King of the Ring, and Hulk Hogan spoke of the benefits of taking one's vitamins and saying prayers, former wrestler and manager Freddie Blassie let ...

Random Questions Answered by Some of the Best B/R Rasslin’ Minds

Posted by George Peterson On August - 15 - 2009
One thing that has always drawn me to sports, especially wrestling, is the decision making process in putting together the final product that fills the seats in arenas and gets broadcast for our viewing enjoyment. That decision making ultimately brings forth the time we fans spend, dissecting, analyzing, debating and questioning the moves the powers that be have made and will make in the future. Its the theoretical questions I enjoy the most and the answers they bring, from people with a deep-seated knowledge of the topic and how much their opinions may differ in the end. For this roundtable questionnaire, I've assembled five ...

CvC:Antonino Rocca, A Wrestling Original and Innovator

Posted by George Peterson On August - 8 - 2009
Each generation of wrestling fans seems to have that one wrestler that just grabs their attention and lights that spark of interest inside of them, that leaves them craving more. We all know the main culprits. Hogan. Austin. The Rock, and many more.  How we first find those wrestlers that captivate us can be through word of mouth, friends or family who watch, and just dumb luck like I did. My jaw dropped as a kid, back in the days before cable TV when you got like three stations. My brother had changed the channel to this image of a towering freak of nature, with this HUGE ...