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Masked Kane: Is His Resurrection a Signal for Change or More of the Same?

Posted by Hamster Enigma On December - 17 - 2011
At the Slammy Awards show on Monday Night Raw, we all witnessed the apparent resurrection of the "Big Red Monster" Kane. He came back with his mask and chokeslammed the face of the company, John Cena.But because he stood on top at the end of the show over the main face of the company, many speculated a return to dominance for the Big Red Machine. The mask didn't do anything to prevent that thought from happening as well.People immediately thought that since Kane dominated John Cena, he may have either a) turned full-fledged heel and would dominate the scene starting with ...
Last Sunday was WWE's latest pay-per-view, Hell in a Cell.As part of my ongoing series of "13 Reasons" done after each PPV, I will provide 13 reasons why the results were right for the business, even if they weren't.I will make this as insightful as I can and at the end would like to hear your thoughts in the comment section below."Well, why did the PPV work?"Read on to find out.These are 13 reasons why the night in Satan's Structure was correctly portrayed by everyone who partook in the Demon's Playground.Begin Slideshow
The Superman StereotypeWhat is it?You may know it as a push, one where the star that's being pushed constantly wins and is usually on the television as the standout of everyone involved.Case in point, a man known as John Cena. Or SuperCena if you want to call him that, which some smarks apparently have.The Champ Is HereJohn Cena debuted like any other wrestler, answering a promo in which Kurt Angle had stated a challenge. Appearing with a generic look, John Cena was looked upon as another "jobber".But something happened, he took Kurt Angle to the limit.A nobody had competed with an Olympic gold medalist.It ...
After a successful article mini-series for Summerslam called "WWE Summerslam: 13 Questions Heading into the Biggest Party of the Summer" and "WWE: 13 Reasons Why the Summerslam Results Were Right for the Business", I have decided to translate that success into a series which continues onto this installment for Night of Champions.Now I know that Night of Champions has ended and that my lack of time prevented me from making a "13 Questions Heading into Night of Champions" article, but it has not stopped me from highlighting the show and it's occurrences, which I'm going to do in this slideshow.So without further ...
"This title means so much more." "It means this guy is next in line."   Those were the words spoken by Cody Rhodes after he won the Intercontinental Championship.He had received the title after defeating the former champion, Ezekiel Jackson.The statement that Cody Rhodes made was out of pure respect.He had watched as the Intercontinental Championship became devalued with each passing year in its existence.He had watched as it went from the belt that made the next star, to a belt that was just given for decoration.So when he won the belt, he had one intention in mind."I want to resurrect this title's ...

WWE: 13 Reasons Why the Summerslam Results Were Right for the Business

Posted by Hamster Enigma On August - 20 - 2011
Summerslam has come and gone and the "Biggest Party of the Summer" did or did not disappoint, depending on the person that you ask.There were unannounced matches, surprises, returns.In fact, all of the 13 questions that I asked before the PPV were answered, although I may have gotten some predictions wrong.(Here are the 13 questions in case you want to see what they were)Now, as the Summerslam hype and shock slowly dies down, I have decided to look at the decisions that were made that night and how they were right for the business.Notice how I said that they were ...

WWE: Why Alberto Del Rio’s Destiny Has Become a Wasted Story

Posted by Hamster Enigma On August - 6 - 2011
"It is my DESTINY!!!! But already know that!"How many times have we heard these words come out of Alberto Del Rio's mouth?Just about every single time he has a microphone in his hand right? Which has been about....100 times?Ever since Alberto Del Rio's debut on Smackdown last year, he seemed to be heading in the direction of "future star".He was even given a victory over REY MYSTERIO in his first ever televised match in the WWE!With his impactful debut, Alberto Del Rio made us all into believers of his destiny.Whenever he said that he was going to be a ...