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NXT Season One started with "rookies" looking to make an impact. They were paired up with pros from Day One that mirrored their potential.Everyone had a pro that wasn't completely a star yet, well everyone except for Wade Barrett that is.Wade Barrett had the World Heavyweight champion at the time as his pro in Chris Jericho.Relatively unknown to most of the fans, Barrett had to make a quick impact because with Jericho as his pro, he is supposed to be a big deal. A future star in the making if you will.But for the first few weeks, he seemed (at ...

TNA’s Christopher Daniels: The Fallen Angel of Reliable Talent

Posted by Hamster Fan On July - 9 - 2011
Underrated, a term used to often describe talented people who are often overlooked due to other stars taking more of the spotlight.These stars are great at what they do but are often given less love than they deserve just because they have to be alongside an even bigger star.In any wrestling company, this is sadly a consistent occurrence.I may write an article on the most underrated stars later, but for now, I would like to focus on only one star who is possibly the most underrated talent in the mainstream company of Impact Wrestling.His name is Christopher Daniels, "The Fallen Angel."Ever since ...

WWE: Who Can Be the Next Rock and Austin for the WWE?

Posted by Hamster Fan On April - 9 - 2011
Rock and Austin, two of the greatest faces of the WWE during its Attitude era days that have yet to be replicated in similar fashion by the faces of the PG era. Sure Cena can be considered at the top, but who else is there? And as time passes by, who else can be relied on to carry on the company? Miz? Sure he's a good choice, but for the long term he may end up hurting the company as he's not credible enough, or at least in my eyes, to carry a brand, and more specifically, a company. Think long term ...
Many people, including myself, seem to think that the Wrestlemania card for this year seems to lack the things that make a Wrestlemania truly special. It seems to be a card that resembles any other PPV with the way that the matches are being built up. Sure, the matches seem to have potential, but the build-up for them seems to have been disappointing heading into the "Road to Wrestlemania." By this time in most years, we are left craving what will happen at the Show of Shows. The go home show makes us interested in wanting to buy Wrestlemania but this year's ...

WWE and WrestleMania: What Is Needed for a Successful Wrestlemania?

Posted by Hamster Fan On March - 26 - 2011
The WWE is a worldwide organization that has many athletes, or "entertainers," as they prefer to be known under their contract.Some of these "entertainers" have made it as household names, while others are simply known as "that guy."Whatever the case, every one of these people eventually wants to take part in the greatest pro wrestling spectacle of them all—WrestleMania.WrestleMania, "the grandest stage of them all," is supposed to have an aura around it that excites the crowd throughout the show.It's supposed to be the biggest show of the year, but with that title comes a lot of pressure to make ...

WWE’s Wrestlemania 23: The Best Wrestlemania of Them All (CvC)

Posted by Hamster Fan On March - 19 - 2011
Wrestlemania, "The Grandest Stage of Them All", is the greatest wrestling spectacle in the world today. Only the best of the best can make it to the big stage. Every single wrestler (and Diva) dreams of setting foot on that stage at least once in their lifetime. They want to witness the grand lights, the roaring of thousands of fans screaming their name whether in the form of boos and cheers, and they also want to be a part of the aura that is Wrestlemania. They want to be involved in "The Show of Shows". They work their careers for ...
I know what you're thinking, "Isn't this really obvious by now?" and I'll say "Yes it is" because it is. The WWE has shown interest in making the Miz the next top dog of the company right beside John Cena, but before Cena was the top dog in the company, the top dog was none other than "The Rock." Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson used to be the popular one in the WWE alongside Stone Cold Steve Austin, but eventually, the Rock decided to pursue other interests. He left the WWE and didn't look back. After Rock and Stone Cold's departures, the ...
Throughout the years, pro wrestling has had its fair share of audiences. The audiences were made up of fans who were either kids or adults. Some of the audience members were really into the show while others just decided to watch without really putting much thought into it.The people that these audiences watched were professionals, either in wrestling or in talking. On some occasions, companies were lucky enough to have those few who could talk as well as wrestle under contract.It didn't really matter who the person was, they all had to listen to the company and not break kayfabe.But ...

WWE: Wrestlemania 27 May Be Without a Dream Edge-Christian Matchup

Posted by Hamster Fan On January - 21 - 2011
Ever since Christian was injured, many fans thought that Captain Charisma himself may return at the Royal Rumble after suffering a pectoral injury, avenging himself by eliminating the man who "injured" him, Alberto Del Rio.  Alberto Del Rio is a man who seems to have risen to the top very quickly in his first year on TV with the wrestling business. He quickly made a name for himself after injuring and being involved in a rivalry with the WWE's underdog, Rey Mysterio. Del Rio also got into some heat with Christian while Rey Mysterio was "injured," hence why Christian was ...

WWE News: The Core of the Nexus Has Been Revealed!

Posted by Hamster Fan On January - 19 - 2011
Warning: This article contains a SPOILER!!! If you are one of those few who doesn't like to see a show get ruined before you watch it, then stop reading and exit this page! If you are one of those who reads spoilers, then proceed to keep reading, otherwise leave!!!YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!We all know that with the debut of NXT came the debut of the Nexus. The Nexus consisted of all of the NXT Season One Rookies with the addition of two NXT Season Two Rookies and one John Cena. Along the way, some members were exiled, I'll let you ...