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WWE: Post WrestleMania Releases: Who Should Stay and Who Should Go?

Posted by Henry Adams On March - 23 - 2011
WrestleMania annually brings many awesome moments and memories. To some, WrestleMania also brings the risk of losing a job, and almost every year there are some major character releases shortly after WrestleMania. Last year we had some very surprising cuts with Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Kung Fu Naki, Jimmy Wang Yang, Slam Master J and Katie Lea Burchill all getting the hook.  The two from this list that really stick out are Mickie James and Shelton Benjamin. Mickie was basically the John Cena of the divas division before her release and her release more than came as a surprise to ...

WWE Questions for the Month of March

Posted by Henry Adams On March - 18 - 2011
Many of us watch WWE and each month they usually do at least one thing extremely stupid. In this slideshow I will question some of the choices that the WWE has made this month.There are plenty things to talk about as we are only 15 days away from the grandest stage of them all—Wrestlemania—so lets get to the questions.Begin Slideshow
Earlier this week, WWE showed a commercial that E&C would reform to challenge The Corre for the WWE Tag Titles. This afternoon, WWE posted on their website and Facebook that Kane and Big Show will now be challenging for the titles.To me, this is a let down and kind of confusing considering that just last week, Big Show hit Kane with a chair to the back and the week before, Kane did the same. It also means that we're not going to be seeing E&C back in action again, although Christian is supposed to face Del Rio tonight in a steel ...

WWE Raw: Evan Bourne’s Return and Where He Should Go From Here

Posted by Henry Adams On March - 2 - 2011
On this past Raw, we saw Evan Bourne for the first time since CM Punk injured him in his first match since being traded to Raw. Many, including me, have missed him, his high-flying style, and his top-notch wrestling skills.Now that he has returned to Raw, what should he be doing from now until WrestleMania? The Money In the Bank MatchWith rumors going around that The Money In the Bank match won't be at WrestleMania, let's hope it's going to be there, because it's one of the most exciting matches in history. If it does make it to WrestleMania, Evan Bourne should be ...

Wrestlemania Money In The Bank Match: Who Should Win and Why?

Posted by Henry Adams On February - 15 - 2011
One of the most exciting and unpredictable matches of all time is the Money In the Bank match. Money In the Bank matches have always been one of my favorite matches at Wrestlemania.Many people who couldn't main-event Wrestlemania have a chance at the title of their choosing, whenever and where ever they want.There are many people who could benefit majorly from the push that comes with winning the Money In the Bank match.Many Money In the Bank winners go on to be future main-event players: Edge and CM Punk.Although some get Sheamus'ed and win the title way too soon. Then some get ...

WWE 2/21/11: What’s Happening and What Impact Will It Make?

Posted by Henry Adams On February - 2 - 2011
On Raw this week, we saw a mysterious promotional video. video left many, including me, guessing what it could mean and who could be behind it.It showed a very dark, cloaked, figure walking towards a house in a thunderstorm.The figure opened the door went inside and then the numbers 2. 21. 11. flashed on the screen.At first, it almost seemed way too obvious who was in the mysterious video.The UndertakerObviously one of the top suspects is the Undertaker as he fits the description of the person we saw in the video.Ever since The Undertaker was buried alive by Kane at ...

WWE: Smackdown and Raw Fantasy Draft

Posted by Henry Adams On January - 23 - 2011
As of right now the WWE has hit the bottom of the barrel with stale storylines, misused talent, and a lack of quality matches.This is why Raw and Smackdown need a major shakeup.I will list where every superstar on the Raw and Smackdown roster should go and why.Alright, without any further ado lets kick of my WWE Fantasy Draft.Commentator TeamsJerry Lawler: Stays on RawMichael Cole Moved to Smackdown.JR: Signs with the WWE to be Raw commentator.Matt Striker: Stays where he is.Todd Grisham: Is promoted to Smackdown commentator.Josh Matthews: Is Smackdown's interviewer.Scott Stanford: Is Raw's interviewer.RAWCM Punk: Kept on Raw because ...

WWE Royal Rumble: It Will Now Have 40 Participants

Posted by Henry Adams On January - 17 - 2011
Just recently on Twitter, Joey Styles tweeted that: "This year, there will be 40 participants in the Royal Rumble Match instead of 30. It will be the biggest Royal Rumble Match in history!"WWE's Twitter also confirmed that it was true.I am guessing that they added ten more spots to fit in all of the expected returns from the likes of Triple H, Evan Bourne, Christian and possibly Chris Jericho.It may also be making room for all of the Nexus guys.Or could it be a surprise female entry or two?We'll have to wait till the rumble to find the answers but it ...

WWE: How Splitting The Nexus Could Save The WWE

Posted by Henry Adams On December - 27 - 2010
Help Improve the Tag-Team Division The tag-team division is in dire need of fresh new faces.If the Nexus splits, here are some teams former Nexus members could make.Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty and Darren Young could form the south beach party boys when Percy Watson gets called-up, because I hear management is high on him. I would also like to see David Otunga and Michael Tarver.Husky Harris and McGillicutty could have a Legacy-like stable with them being second and third generation superstars.I think they could be a great tag team, and hopefully they could cover up McGillicutty's terrible mic skills.Darren Young and ...

WWE: Why John Cena Should Stay Out of The Main Event Scene

Posted by Henry Adams On December - 24 - 2010
WWE Title Matches are Less PredictableCena gets beat up the whole match.His opponent goes for his finisher, Cena reverses it, and then gives them his "devastating" five knuckle shuffle followed by an Attitude Adjustment or STF for the win.This happens almost every time John Cena is in a title match, and in the end, he wins his rivalries.Many when watching a match like this hope that it doesn't happen, but in the back of our minds we all know he will most likely win.With Cena out of the title picture things suddenly become less predictable.When Cena is in a title ...