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Author Archive

WWE’s Rendezvous With the Real Deal: Time To Put Some Attitude Back in It?

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On April - 17 - 2011
Yes, you read correctly, one of the biggest detractors of the Attitude Era is calling for the WWE to put some Attitude back in it. However, the writer that I am, I have a lot of things to say and talk about. So for those interested, buckle up, its time to talk business. First of all, I would request the readers to pay some attention to the title of my article, "Is it time to put SOME Attitude Back?" Now allow me to elaborate! I don't suggest the WWE to actually bring back the Attitude Era as such because many ...

WWE and the IWC: Breaking Down the Craziness, No Holds Barred

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On April - 9 - 2011
The Writer of this article is a loud and proud WWE mark, an intense lover of sports entertainment, flag bearer of Team Fruity Pebbles and insanely passionate about all things concerning WWE. WWE taught him many things that he has related it to his life. It even made him take the path of sharing his thoughts and feelings on the site known as BleacherReport. His exams arrived, the writer took a break, he came back, wrote a couple of articles, but it seems like, another good innings was not meant to be…The IWC had changed, a new crop of writers ...

"Wrestlemania:A True Story", Does Tell a Story. Is the IWC Ready to Listen?

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On April - 6 - 2011
Before I begin my article, I would like to draw to my readers attention the fact that, while I, the writer, decided to pen down a kind review of the recently released documentary, the recent reports by the Dirt Sheets and by many writers who, in my opinion, have not considered both sides of the argument, forced me into calling out the IWC for its one sided claims.I, however, would also like to say that no disrespect is intended to any one who I am going to openly disagree with in my article or with anyone who does not agree ...

WWE Superstars Not Being Treated as Human Beings: An Act I Despise about the IWC

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On December - 29 - 2010
In my previous article, I clearly mentioned that I will be taking a break from writing and wished every body best of luck and success ahead. However, I am afraid that due to a few events which transpired, (which I will speak about in my article now) have pushed me into taking my words back and have propelled me into coming back to write yet another article. If the dirt sheets are to be believed, WWE Superstar John Cena is apparently injured and might be needing time off. Fellow writer Leva Lies had an article up breaking the news to the ...

WWE: The Product Is Still Alive and On Its Way to Greater Levels of Awesomeness

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On December - 22 - 2010
The Gamut of Pro Wrestling has seen the rise, fall, death and survival and, at times, the Dominance of many promotions. While the original concept behind its creation has evolved on a regular basis the companies providing the action have not remained stationery and have either (rather mostly) died a death (for instance WCW, ECW, etc.) or are “Surviving” (for instance TNA). We do get a ray of hope from the various Independent Promotions which are on a “rise” in terms of the popularity. But one company which is out of the norm and has continued to stand proud and be ...

WWE Golden Boy John Cena: It’s All About Hustle, Loyalty and Respect

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On October - 25 - 2010
It’s the 23rd of April, 1977, and the world of pro wrestling is at an all-time high. The likes of Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage have yet to hit the company known today as World Wrestling Entertainment. In some corner of the world, a proud mom has given birth to a baby boy named: John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. As years rolled by, this little boy grew into a strong and tough human being, imbibing the qualities of hustle, loyalty and respect, which are displayed in his behavior and interactions with the WWE Universe. Enter the millennium, and this fully grown adult ...

WWE’s Darling the IWC Needs to Cheer Up: The Phoenix Will Rise Again

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On October - 8 - 2010
  World Wrestling Entertainment is the father of all organizations which either have or are trying to carve a niche for themselves in the world of sports entertainment. While they continue to be the most well known source for sports entertainment and dominate over all the other organizations, the fans have nothing much to drive home about. Yes! They do provide us some moments to cheer about time and again but all the WWE fans around the globe are aware of the fact that they are riding an all time low. While we as members of the IWC are well aware of the ...

The WWE Teaches Us A Lot Of Things:The Question is, Are You Willing To Learn?

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On September - 21 - 2010
As I sat on my couch, smiling like a kid courtesy the praise and record breaking 53 likes I got on my last article, I got the feeling that I completed a chapter of my life which looked tough in the beginning. No! It wasn’t the end of my life, neither was I dying but some thing told me that I had accomplished “some thing” to close a chapter of my life. That is when it dawned on me, I HAD GROWN UP and subsequently matured, the way my parents wanted me to.   For once, rather than jumping up and down on my bed and running ...

Forgotten Amidst The WWE & TNA Debates: The Brave Soul AKA The Wrestler

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On September - 6 - 2010
  The Internet Wrestling Community is gossiping and masticating on the wrestlers, all around the world. Some are evaluating, some are criticizing, some are praising and some are condemning their work. But in some corner of the world, there is a “wrestler”…and he is dying! “The wrestler who once had millions of hands wanting to touch him, wanting to feel his sweat, wanting to touch his sculpted physique, could not even give a hand to support his, now woozy and shaking body.” “He starts coughing up blood; it is all over his gorgeous chest. He starts to remember all those days ...

Why Sheamus Needs To Win At WWE Night Of Champions & The Y2J Paradox!!!

Posted by Iam D Real Deal yo On September - 2 - 2010
  Hello Deal-A-Lites! D Deal is back and better than ever! The IWC has been very coalescent off late with a lot of palavering involving the steroid scandals and the unceremonious (if you may) firing of wrestlers. However, one very important topic of discussion which has unknowingly been forgotten by the IWC is the significance of the result of the 6 pack challenge on Sheamus' credibility as a champion. Now, many might argue that Sheamus is doing well as champion, is cutting good promos, and is getting decent heat. While his status as a champion is not totally in jeopardy, his “respect” as a ...