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WrestleMania XXIV in many ways was the end of an era and the beginning of another. While it was the second WrestleMania to be held outdoors, it was the first to accurately capture the atmosphere that an outdoor crowd provides. After all, there’s a reason WrestleMania IX is not featured in this competition. It sucked. Ric Flair, perhaps the greatest wrestler of all time, brought his career to an end by delivering a stellar match against Shawn Michaels. Flair might have come out retirement, but there’s little he can do in the Impact Zone that will take away from his ...

WWE: Can John Morrison Sustain Being in the Main Event?

Posted by Ian Malone On February - 6 - 2011
John Morrison is one of the more talked about wrestlers currently in the WWE. Much like his former tag team partner The Miz, he has a great deal of strong supporters and opposers. And for just reasons.  Morrison shows flashes of greatness. He's incredibly athletic and has the look of a top star.  But then there's also the glaring error in his ways. The man cannot talk. He's awful on the mic. Not since Shelton Benjamin have I seen a more boring talker in the WWE. That's a major problem.  If you look at the current youth movement in WWE, the majority of ...

Kevin Nash: How the WWE Royal Rumble Changed Diesel’s Legacy

Posted by Ian Malone On February - 5 - 2011
Kevin Nash is a difficult person to judge when discussing the legacies of aging wrestlers. Some wrestlers forever tarnished their legacy with poor behavior (Ultimate Warrior) while others have near unanimous praise (Shawn Michaels).  Nash is in the middle. He's had a history of abusing backstage power in nearly every company that he's been a part of. I'm not close to him, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think Nash looked visibly unhappy during the last year or two of his run with TNA. His recent money disputes with them have been well-documented, but I still ...
Last week at Genesis, we saw the debut of former WWE superstar Matt Hardy. Hardy defeated Rob Van Dam in what I thought was a fairly bland ten minutes of wrestling. Early reports for Impact are now sighting that another aging WWE star has returned to TNA.  Kevin Nash? Nope. Sean Waltman? Nope. Scott Hall? Close.  Scott Steiner That's right, Steiner is back. Why? Who really knows.  TNA tapes Impact several weeks in advance, so Steiner won't be back for a few week. But, that's besides the point; Steiner shouldn't be back at all.  Steiner left TNA shortly before the Hogan/Bischoff era in a rather ...
Brock Lesnar's time in WWE was short and sweet and in a lot of ways that was part of the magic. All too often we see guys way past their primes who try to relive their glory days in smaller companies (<cough>TNA<cough>). Lesnar, of course, was different than that as he moved on to MMA.  Now the rumours are flying that Brock wants to come back to WWE. These rumours are incredibly premature and the odds that Lesnar will come to face the Undertaker are pretty low. But even with the small chance, we still hold on to hope that Lesnar ...
News broke today that WWE NXT Season 2 winner Kaval was released.Kaval, formerly known as Low-Ki, was an immensely successful wrestler on the indy circuit and has wrestled for TNA and ROH. While the man was incredibly talented, his release is no surprise. The beginning of the end was clear when Drew McIntyre buried the little guy in a squash that came out of nowhere and really did nothing to advance McIntyre at all. I was surprised by this, as old Drew has had nothing for him since this legal issues and release of his wife, Tiffany. Why is Kaval's release not ...
Last night's King of the Ring tournament wasn't really anything special. It was fun to see the tournament back after a few years off, but the matches were so-so and it lacked the feel that past tournaments had.  If anything, KOTR served an important purpose. It reestablished the Celtic Warrior.  A lot of people are upset that someone like Daniel Bryan, John Morrison or Alberto Del Rio weren't crowned king. I for one think that the King should almost always be a heel, or at least a tweener type character like Stone Cold back in the attitude era. Alberto Del Rio is ...

The Undertaker Should Remain Undefeated at Wrestlemania

Posted by Ian Malone On September - 23 - 2010
Sunday's Night of Champions featured the Undertaker's return to the ring following his concussion which kept him out for most of the summer. While it was good to see the deadman back in action, his match with Kane left much to be desired. Even if it made sense to the storyline, Undertaker shouldn't have won. Kane carried the entire match.  If Undertaker's return told us anything, it's that the Deadman is not long for the WWE Universe. He is 45 after all. The Undertaker has the most impressive streak in all of wrestling. He's 18-0. That's the way it should be when he ...

A.J. Styles, Most Misused Wrestler Of All Time?

Posted by Ian Malone On September - 18 - 2010
This Thursday's house show featured A.J. Styles losing to Jeff Jarrett in the opening match.  That is correct. PWI's top wrestler lost in the opening match to No. 55, which I view as complete b.s. since Jarrett's ranking was higher than Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, Sting, Hernandez, and MVP to name a few.  TNA's booking stands with Jimmy Hoffa and death as life's biggest mysteries. It literally makes no sense.  One of professional wrestling's biggest assets holds a fake title and is currently in a program with Tommy Dreamer, a fat old man who constantly whines about a company that paid his salary ...

Big Show vs. CM Punk Cheapens WWE Night Of Champions

Posted by Ian Malone On September - 11 - 2010
Night of Champions has been around for a few more years than most of WWE's gimmick PPVs. The concept is basic yet carries a sense of importance. Yet WWE seems bent on cheapening the concept by adding matches that don't have a title to them.  The titles in the WWE have been largely irrelevant over this past year. The Nexus have taken over Raw and most people will probably forget that Kane vs. Undertaker is actually a World Title match. WWE cared enough to give the Tag titles a fresh look. Too bad they're as irrelevant as ever.  Miz vs. ...