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Author Archive

WWE: WrestleMania 27: Is the Card Full of Aces, Diamonds or Jokers?

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On April - 3 - 2011
Considering my default setting is cynical and bitchy, I'm actually feeling quite optimistic about this year's big event. The build up has, in general, been quite impressive and it hasn't hurt matters that while WWE has been building toward WrestleMania, TNA seems to have been building toward "The Demise of TNA" DVD, which will probably be hitting the shops pretty soon. So how will this WrestleMania rank among the previous 26? A couple of matches already look near-certain classics. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk ought to be a dream. Both men have been presented as deadly in the weeks leading ...

WWE’s Most Embarrassing Defeats: 5 Wrestlers Whose Careers Died Instantly

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On February - 24 - 2011
The most important weapon at a wrestler's disposal is something that can be gained gradually over time, but also lost in one single moment, never to be returned. Credibility. No wrestling career can survive without it.If a wrestler is strong in a particular area of his performance, but weak in others, there are ways to make sure that his weaknesses don't become detrimental to his character.For instance, Daniel Bryan is not the strongest performer on the mic, but he makes up for it with his exceptional ability in the ring. For the Miz, the exact opposite is true. The Great Khali ...

King of the Nearly Men: Christian, the World Title and the IWC

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On February - 11 - 2011
When I have children and they complain to me that something "is not fair" I will remind them that the Great Khali became WWE Champion and Mr. Perfect never did. Life isn't fair. Complaining when your favourite wrestler doesn't get pushed is a lot like saying that life's not fair. We've heard it all before, especially from the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC). Which means that the following might appear to be slightly irrational. Luckily I have a pretty good handle on irrationality, being not just a wrestling fan but also a woman too. Christian deserved to be a World Champion. Now, I'm well aware the word "deserve" is ...

Going Over The Top: Dolph Ziggler and The Stars Getting Pushed

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On February - 5 - 2011
Just like the films of David Lynch, the fashions of Gautier or the fans of David Otunga, it's the uniqueness of the Royal Rumble which sets it apart from other PPVs. Where the Rumble differs is in the opportunity to see how highly the Company rates performers.   As good as David Lynch is, nothing in Mulholland Drive hinted at what Vince McMahon thought of Kofi Kingston. Similarly, Jean-Paul Gautier has never suggested through sequins a push for Yoshi Tatsu. A David Otunga fan is, of course, fictional. As always, the fortunes of the roster saw both extremes. Albert Del Rio came out ...

Jack Without the Swagger: Where Did the Former WWE World Champion Go Wrong?

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On January - 25 - 2011
This week's Raw was a case of the good, the bad and the Mark Henry. John Morrison became the latest in a long line of random tag team partners for the mystifying still employed "World's Strongest Man." Surprisingly, for someone who has had more partners than Russell Brand and been with WWE since 1996, Mark Henry has never been a tag team champion. MVP, Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu and now John Morrison have all been his partner in the last year, yet the chemistry in each case has been of the Ben Affleck-Jennifer Lopez kind. Without wishing to sound harsh—I'm sure Henry ...

Worth The Weight In Gold? How Valuable Are The WWE Title Belts?

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On January - 24 - 2011
World title holders are often referred to as "wearing the gold," but it might be a good idea, given the poverty of the division, if the tag-team champs were now said to be "holding tin." Title belts are only vital to the Wrestling business for as long as they remain relevant. They are only ever worth as much as they appear to be wanted. Just as a poor win-loss record or humiliating gimmick can hurt a performer's standing, so too can a belt lose its luster, credibility and and value. Naturally, every title will have more ups and downs than the springs in Charlie Sheen's Vegas hotel bed, ...

Irrational Behaviour: John Morrison and the Superstars Who Fail To Shine

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On October - 22 - 2010
One of the great truths of life I've learned, along with never wear tie dye and farts might not be silent if you have your iPod on, is this: Getting a reaction of any kind is better than no reaction at all.  This is probably especially true of the Wrestling profession, (the reaction part that is, not the farting thing), where a silent crowd will very quickly lead to a performer being "future endeavoured." Even wrestlers who are deemed to be "over" however, can't hope to convince every single individual of their worth. In wrestling, as in life, there will always be ...
Helping the environment is important but there comes a time to stop recycling crap. Hulk Hogan made his Impact debut on January 4th, 2010, eleven years to the day since the infamous fingerpoke of doom. Less than a year later TNA, the innovative alternative to the mainstream, has become extreme only in its awfulness. As a TNA fan, it saddens me that in recent weeks the experience of watching the show has become like two hours in the company of a dying, comatose relative. I dutifully sit next to the television and look for signs of life, but the prospects seem exceedingly bleak. Usually ...

The Assassination Of Gail Kim’s Career By The Coward Vince McMahon

Posted by Ichigo Starfish On October - 14 - 2010
World Wrestling Entertainment has long been plagued by the presence of performers whose only virtue is the ratings and money they might draw. No wrestling fan would willingly watch the Great Khali lumber through a match, but the WWE isn't solely focused on its loyal fanbase. People fascinated by the unusual (giants and dwarfs) and the lucrative market of India all have money, and Vince wants to take it. The presence of every Hornswoggle is offset by the presence of every Kaval, and the WWE "Universe," if not forgiving Vince McMahon, at least resolves to punch him less hard if they ever get the chance. The ...
As Wrestling fans, we're all familiar with that condescending smile that accompanies the incredulous question: "You watch wrestling?" We've probably all sighed inside waiting for the follow up, delivered with a conceited, smug grin: "You do know it's fake, right?" The question is how to respond to these Know-nothing enquiries. The most appropriate way—the double finger salute followed by a Stone Cold Stunner—is generally frowned upon by polite society so another approach is demanded. Genuine enquiries born of genuine interest are of course welcome. It's nice to be able to explain your passions to someone who's open-minded, interested and wants to understand. Rarely however is this the case. A large number of ...