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Author Archive

Triple H and Desmond Wolfe Update, Eric Young’s Status, Seven Released and More!

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On November - 22 - 2010
Hello there. How's it going? Life going good? Happy or sad that Cena is "fired," or are you like me and just don't care? I thought the Eagles-Giants games was much more entertaining than Survivor Series and it was free, but to each their own. I'm back to fill you in on the news that you need to know. Without anymore waiting here it is! Richard Gray of has reported that Triple H's return is "imminent." While he has not been able to confirm an exact date, it is somewhere in the very near future. I would take this information at face value, for Richard ...

Semi Spoilers: Severity of the King’s Injury, New TNA Belt and Two Talents Gone

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On November - 10 - 2010
Whazzup Bleacherreport? It's been awhile since we talked last. You called, left messages on my answering machine, but I never got around to calling you back. Life gets busy. You know what that's like, right? Well, anyways, I'm back from a second sabbatical you could say. So onto the news. First off, Jerry "The King" Lawler was missing from Monday Night Raw for an unknown reason. He was replaced by Josh Matthews who was an announcer for WWE's ECW and is an announcer for NXT. It has been revealed by Jim Ross that Lawler suffered a knee injury that has become a severe staph infection. No word ...

Casting Judgment on Randy Orton: Does the Face of Raw Have To Be a Hero?

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On October - 7 - 2010
I've been watching Monday Night Raw for the last couple of weeks and something kept nagging at me.  Was it Sheamus being able to walk and wrestle with no lasting effects from the “career changing, demonic” structure know as Hell in a Cell? No I can chalk that one up to poor logic. Was it R-Truth and Ted DiBiase Jr. having dance offs? Nope, that’s just trying to entertain the kiddies. Is it that Randy Orton, the man who is constantly portrayed as a psychotic lunatic, is now being painted as the hero of the WWE? That’s it. Don’t misunderstand me, because I love Orton’s character as ...

Hell in a Cell: Danielson and The Miz Will Leave Hell as Champions

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On October - 3 - 2010
Danielson-Morrison-The Miz has to be one of the more intriguing matchups for WWE's Hell in a Cell. This match could very well be the turning point in Danielson and The Miz’s careers.   Why Danielson Will Leave United States Champion Danielson is a man of smaller stature than most, but has a grappling/striking style of wrestling that is rare to see in the WWE. He has had his troubles, being temporarily fired due to the “tie gate,” but he has returned to much success. After renewing his rivaling with his former mentor, The Miz, the American Dragon has become the United States Champion after ...

OH MY GOD! Tara Posts Pictures Of Elbow (bursa) Injury, Not For Faint Of Heart

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On September - 27 - 2010
 severe the injury to Tara's elbow is? Wonder no more.  See for yourself after she posted pics of it today: Anyone else feeling nauseous? It reminds me of when I dislocated my finger, but this is on a much larger scale. Actually Dixie Carter just tweeted that it is a burst synovial bursa. The synovial bursa (according to provides cushion to bones and tendons give the joint free movement. This has to be extremely painful and restricting to a person. Hopefully Tara will have a speedy recovery. My prayers are with her. Read more Pro Wrestling news on

Does Next Week’s NXT Have The Worst Challenge Yet?Plus MVP Has New Song

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On September - 22 - 2010
Thanks to Jason Powell's for the information.  For next week's NXT (the 9/28/10 episode), it has been reported the Rookie Diva's have a wheel-barrow challenge.  The wheel-barrow challenge is a timed lap around the ring while the Rookie is pushing a wheel-barrow. Simple enough, right? Wrong, guess what's in the stupid thing? Hulk Hogan's spine? Jim Ross' Hat? Or Bret Hart's original sun glasses? Nope, it's Hornswoggle.  Yes, finally the little bastard will apear on NXT. Apparently the show can not get any worse and creative thought that maybe Hornswoggle would improve the product. They would be wrong. Can anyone remember ...

SPOILER ALERT! Full Lineup For Next Week’s WWE Raw !

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On September - 21 - 2010
This a preview article for the Sept. 27 episode of Raw. Last night, the WWE crew recorded last night's and next week's episodes.   Lineup Hat tip to Jason Powell's for the info: Miz and Alex Riley vs Daniel Bryan and John Morrison Diva's Battle Royal for Number One Contender Great Kahli vs Sheamus John Cena vs Edge Justin Gabriel and Health Slater vs Mark Henry and Evan Bourne Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho   Dark Match Randy Orton beat Sheamus to retain the WWE championship.   On paper this looks like a fun show; if there's enough feedback, I will post the results of the matches. Please leave all comments, questions, and concerns below. ...

Ladies and Gentlemen,Your Champion Is Randy Orton! Plus Jericho’s WWE Status!

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On September - 19 - 2010
Randy Orton won via pinfall over Sheamus after delivered his signature RKO. The order of eliminations are Chris Jericho via RKO, Edge via AA from John Cena, Cena via Barret, Barret via RKO, and Sheamus via RKO.Good back and forth action between the participants but I was expecting the Miz to try to cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase so I personally was disappointed. The main event lasted roughly   twenty three minutes.  The only problem with this match is that it was Chris Jericho's last match with the WWE as of now.According to, Jericho has ...

Dixie Announces TNA Impact Life Changing News (again)

Posted by J.C The Savior Gustin On September - 2 - 2010
First off I want to thank BR for updating the site so that I can now post articles from my iPod, which makes the reaction time to news much faster and giving me motivation for a glorious return to the community (part of which is the name change). Dixie has just announced via her Twitter and Facebook accounts that on Oct. 7, TNA Impact will be shot live and all subsequent episodes would be as well. This was not the big announcement "The Savior" had been hoping for from TNA. I was praying that Awesome Kong was coming back, or Hogan and/or Bischoff had been fired, but nope. It's just that TNA ...