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WWE's undercard is filled to the brim with underutilized talent right now, and from R-Truth to Alex Riley, there are countless superstars lost in the shuffle who could still become main eventers. Jack Swagger is a perfect example of a wrestler who was going nowhere in his career, only to be given the push of life and earn the right to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship at WWE WrestleMania 29. In mid-2012, Swagger was written out of WWE storylines before taking a lengthy hiatus, only to be repackaged with his "Real American" gimmick in February and, alongside Zeb Colter, become one of ...
A babyface or heel turn can revitalise the career of a pro wrestler, and from Daniel Bryan to Big Show, WWE has taken a much bolder stance in recent times in committing to these decisions. Reports often surface in regard to wrestler X becoming a fan favourite or wrestler Y developing an antagonistic, arrogant streak, and with two high profile superstars in Alberto Del Rio and The Miz both becoming fully-fledged faces recently, it is not unfeasible to envisage more occurring in the near future. With several wrestlers lacking direction in the company right now—from Ryback all the way to future WWE ...
At WWE Elimination Chamber 2013, The Shield illustrated their credentials as one of the greatest factions in WWE history. In beating Ryback, John Cena and Sheamus, the threesome of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns continued to establish itself as a future WWE main-eventer and a big-time player heading into WWE WrestleMania 29. What we have learned from this seismic victory is that WWE clearly holds The Shield in extremely high regard. While Nexus' momentum was botched with a defeat at WWE SummerSlam 2010, mistakes from the past seem to have been taken on board. Beating three of the ...

Antonio Cesaro and Other Candidates to Replace John Cena at the Top of WWE

Posted by Jack Woodfield On February - 8 - 2013
John Cena has been a mainstay of WWE's main event scene for nearly eight years now, but with blossoming superstars such as Antonio Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler emerging, the company need to start preparing for when Cena eventually hangs up his boots. At the age of 35, Cena's retirement is hardly nigh, but WWE's reliance on Cena for ratings—prioritising him over title matches was the theme in 2012—indicates new stars must be pushed to step in should Cena ever suffer an injury or take time off from the ring. WWE has done a suitable enough job in building main-eventers such as Sheamus, ...

WWE WrestleMania: Power Ranking the Events of the Last 10 Years

Posted by Jack Woodfield On February - 5 - 2013
WWE WrestleMania 29 is fast approaching, and while East Rutherford's showcase must aim high to beat some of WWE's recent grandiose offerings, in regards to other WrestleManias, that may not be hard to do. From 2003-2012, WWE produced ten extremely memorable events, from the record breaking WrestleMania 23 to the outdoor adventures of WrestleMania 24 and 28 and also WrestleMania 25, featuring the acclaimed clash between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. While several of these shows featured sublime, well constructed entertainment, some failed to live to expectations. In this slideshow, I'll look to examine why that came to be. Here, I'll analyse each WrestleMania of the past decade, ...
WWE Royal Rumble 2013 is now within touching distance, and while John Cena, Sheamus and Randy Orton bicker back and forth, there can only be one winner of the Royal Rumble match on Jan. 29. The Rumble match is arguably the most exciting bout of the year for devout WWE followers, part-time fans, tipsters or former viewers still engrossed by the magic of the contest. While WWE appears to have done a fine job in preventing any certified favourites emerging ahead of the PPV, the Superstars who are hogging the limelight are largely past winners whose stars have previously shined brightly at this event. One ...

WWE Opinion: 10 Superstars We Need to See More or Less of in 2013

Posted by Jack Woodfield On January - 5 - 2013
Throughout 2012, and recent years, one of the complaints often raised amongst the WWE Universe has been the constant overexposure or underexposure of WWE superstars. In 2011, when WWE Monday Night Raw added its "SuperShow" tagline to its title, we were treated to the regular appearances of WWE SmackDown's main eventers, designed to further promote the company's Friday night programming. What that did instead was turn fans weary of their appearances, which seemed to rarely further storylines and ended being up a waste of time that could have been spent far more productively. With Raw now being a three-hour cavalcade of random matches, ...

WWE Monday Night Raw: 10 Storylines Fans Need to See in 2013

Posted by Jack Woodfield On December - 24 - 2012
With 2013 fast approaching, there are several fond memories that most WWE fans will take away from a fairly memorable 2012. From WWE WrestleMania 28, Brock Lesnar's return, Raw 1000 and CM Punk's year-long title reign, we have witnessed enough to keep our insatiable pro wrestling appetites satisfied for at least another 12 months Throughout this slideshow, I'll analyse the potential storylines and rivalries that will hopefully come to fruition in the new year and make for exciting television. Suffice to say that fans of The Great Khali and Hornswoggle, you can stop reading now. While WWE Monday Night Raw and WWE SmackDown are theoretically still ...

Analysing the Top 5 WWE Rivalries of 2012

Posted by Jack Woodfield On December - 4 - 2012
As another calendar year draws to an end, I think even the most optimistic of WWE fans would have to argue that this has been quite a turbulent 12 months of programming. While there has certainly been enough to keep us watching, the phrase "forced down our throats" feels an applicable description of 2012, whether it be rivalries nobody wants to see, squash matches, atrocious storylines or the use of social media in more or less every other segment. Fortunately, there have been some rivalries that will live long in the memory once the year is over, and here are ...