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The 5 Most Enduring Scenes in WWE History

Posted by Jai Shah On March - 10 - 2012
The premise of this article is simple.  If I were to create a video promo for a complete newcomer to the WWE, to sum up the WWE's most high-profile and definitive moments using only 5 matches, what would they be?There are literally dozens of truly exceptional matches in the history of the WWE; however, there are those rare ones who create moments that truly define the company. Moments that we haven't seen anywhere else, and are unlikely to witness again. There's a sense of the extraordinary in these moments; they aren't just matches, they're emotive stories that are landmarks in the WWE's history. These ...
Whether it's Hunico or Mistico under the mask, one of the benefits of the illusion of Sin Cara is that it doesn't matter because it's a character, rather than specifically a person, like almost every other wrestler in the WWE.  And this illusion may just help put Sin Cara's character over with the WWE Universe, an issue that the WWE has been trying to resolve since his debut earlier in 2011. The benefit of hindsight would suggest that Mistico should have spent nine months in FCW, learning the WWE style and adapting his tremendous talents and craft to create, possibly, the ...