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Author Archive

The WWE Superstars of 2010: A Data Analysis

Posted by Jamie Harding On December - 26 - 2010
As 2010 draws to a close, many within the IWC are compiling their lists of favourites matches, greatest moments and biggest superstars of the year.  I am no different. Several Bleachers have provided real insight and in-depth analysis of the past few days, with real attention to detail of the events of the year. I cannot hope to do the same, so I have decided to take a slightly different approach. As a mathematician, I often believe data speaks louder than words, so here I have provided a ranking system for the superstars of WWE based upon the rankings of ...

The Miz: A Different Kind of WWE Champion

Posted by Jamie Harding On December - 3 - 2010
I am aware that many readers of this site are bored by the constant barrage of Miz articles, however, I hope to give a slightly different perspective on the topic. Rather than just assess whether he was deserving or not, I want to assess what the WWE is trying to do with him. Let me clear from the start, I am a Miz fan. I believe his promos and attitude bring an entertainment factor to Raw that is sometimes lacking. He is far from my favourite superstar, which currently CM Punk, but Miz is nevertheless a great asset for the WWE. However, ...

King of the Ring 2010: The New Generation Is Well and Truly Here!

Posted by Jamie Harding On November - 28 - 2010
I recently commented on an article, criticizing its manner and attitude towards those who disagree with its author and its lack of substantiation. Having done this, I felt I should put my money where my mouth is and express some of my views. Tomorrow is the highly anticipated return of King of the Ring and I, for one, could not be happier. Whatever the outcome, I think one conclusion we can draw, even before it happens, is that WWE has one hell of a mid-card at present. Now, I am no expert on past King of the Rings, but to me, at ...

Wrestlemania 27: Could It Provide the Ultimate Main Event?

Posted by Jamie Harding On September - 22 - 2010
After a long break I am back to write this particular article, I am unsure yet as to whether I will write a series of articles again, as a thought struck me earlier today and I wanted to share it with this community. Before I begin I must make two disclaimers; 1. This match probably has almost zero likelihood of actually taking place, 2. The component parts of this match are in no way original and have been sourced from some very well-written articles on this site and others but to my knowledge it is an original combination of these potentially ...

Mr McMahon: Is the Character’s Retirement Premature?

Posted by Jamie Harding On May - 16 - 2010
It was reported post-Wrestlemania that the Hart Family's beating of Mr. McMahon, in retribution of the Montreal Screwjob, was to be the last on-air appearance of the Mr. McMahon character. In one respect, this finale is perfectly fitting, as it is popularly considered that the Montreal Screwjob gave birth to the character, at least to the idea of such a character. It could be viewed as an attempted act of respect to Bret Hart that he should be the one to defeat the evil boss once and for all. However, looking at the bigger picture, I cannot help but ...

John Cena’s Greatest Achievement: The Anti-Hero Randy Orton?

Posted by Jamie Harding On May - 12 - 2010
He's a nine-time world champion, a Royal-Rumble winner, won five Wrestlemania main events and he even has time to be a lead-role actor! However, John Cena just cant seem to silence his many critics, particularly those within the Internet Wrestling Community. I put it to you today that Cena has achieved something recently that will make most in the IWC euphoric, he has created space for the anti-hero, Randy Orton! A year ago Orton was the vile RKO-ing, chairman-punting, woman-attacking super villain that the top faces on Raw would do everything in the power to stop. Suddenly something shocking happened, ...

Smackdown: Where Midcarders are the Main Event!

Posted by Jamie Harding On May - 11 - 2010
After some very interesting responses to my recent articles, I seem to have caught a bug for writing articles about the WWE Draft and its repercussions and thought I would consider the Smackdown landscape in general. Smackdown was drained of much star power in the Draft, in the loss of Chris Jericho, Edge, and some would say with John Morrison as well. This has left Smackdown with nofull-time superstar who is an out an out main eventer, so this article considers those superstars who could be given the responsibility of headlining Smackdown over the next twelve months. Before I continue I ...

Cody Rhodes Destined for Main Event Greatness or Midcard Obscurity?

Posted by Jamie Harding On May - 10 - 2010
With my article on Edge getting a very mixed reaction in the poll and some very interesting comments, I thought I'd comment on another aspect of the WWE Draft: the future of Cody Rhodes. Cody, the son of Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes, has been with the WWE a while, most notably as part of Legacy with Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase, but is now striking out on his own on Smackdown. (Although Legacy still appears as part of his titantron?) He has already shown some entertaining wrestling skills on Smackdown and I believe him to be reasonable on the mic. He ...

Edge On Raw: Will It Really Reach The Level It Should?

Posted by Jamie Harding On May - 9 - 2010
So its been a couple of weeks since the WWE draft and some new directions are beginning to develop. I may write a future article on other aspects of the Draft's implications but there is one point that is slightly concerning me and I wanted to ask you guys what you think. Whether Teddy Long likes to admit it or not Raw is absolutely stacked with Cena, Batista, HHH, Edge, Jericho and Sheamus headlining and some interesting possibilities with the likes of The Miz, John Morrison and Ted Dibiase in the upper midcard. Although there is much discussion of retirements and ...

My Ridiculously Early Wrestlemania 27 Lineup

Posted by Jamie Harding On April - 3 - 2010
With Wrestlemania 26 now behind us and as others continue to analyse the matches, their quality, their outcome and the ongoing implications I decided to look to the future and give my "fantasy" card for Wrestlemania 27. The benefit of doing this now rather than in 2011 is there are currently no storylines that are inevitably leading to Wrestlemania 27 matches to influence my picks. For this I have assumed that the roster will stay as it currently is apart from one "Celebrity" appearance. Also, I accept that some of the storylines and matches I present are much more realistic than ...