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Author Archive

How Will The WWE Compensate The Daniel Bryan Issue?

Posted by Jason donnelly On June - 13 - 2010
I'm sure I won't need to go into details, but in a quick and conclusive summary: Danielson released, IWC pissed, real or fake?...real :( , Tie choking too violent, wants him back after issue gets resolved. Still not enough? Well believe me, you'll have no trouble finding out more from any wrestle news site in existence. I think you'll find this to be almost exactly the same as the unfortunate and sudden death of the Colon brothers' reunion after the WWE came to terms with the release of Carlito Colon. But where the brothers storyline failed (in the circumstance in which without one, there was no ...

John Cena Vs. Batista, Chris Jericho Vs. Edge: Worthwhile Main Events?

Posted by Jason donnelly On February - 28 - 2010
After a crushing six-foot drop at the hands of one of the most destructive forces in professional wrestling, Batista stood in victory claiming his second WWE title and ending the short-lived eighth reign of John Cena in a span of just a few minutes. With the final piece of the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon feud in place the match is set up to main event the 26th anniversary of Wrestlemania. But will it be a good main event? And what of Jericho and Edge? Is Edge in a good enough condition to compete in an event of this kind in such a short ...

What Can We Expect from the New Unified Tag Team Champions?

Posted by Jason donnelly On February - 9 - 2010
During last night's edition of Monday night RAW, the latest clash for the unified tag team championship ended in a surprising twist with the crowning of two unlikely partners in The Big Show and The Miz. After the Straight-edge society were eliminated by DX, few were expecting "Show-Miz" to capitalise on the situation and come off with a win but it was done. For starters, before you continue reading, be aware that my opinions as expressed in the article do not represent my actual feelings towards the new champions but rather the possibilities and threats that could arise. For starters, we can all agree that this ...