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WWE SMACKDOWN 11/12/10 Review: Beat Edge or Else

Posted by Jay Brennan On November - 13 - 2010
Opening Segment The show opens with a video package with highlights of Monday Night RAW. Wade Barrett told Otunga that he wants him to face Edge at SMACKDOWN. Barrett said that if he doesn’t win, he won’t be NEXUS, he’ll be against us. Fireworks exploded next to the United Kingdom flag and the announcers gave us the match line-up for the night. Edge made his way to the ring in street clothes to address the UK fans. He said that he planned on being World Champion at Wrestlemania. Edge said that Otunga should continue to depend on his wife, because ...

WWE Smackdown Review: (Nov. 5, 2010) Nexus Takes Over The Show

Posted by Jay Brennan On November - 6 - 2010
Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio Match   The show opened with a big match so we knew it wasn’t going to finish clean. Edge made a nostalgia-inducing entrance that reminded me of the days he was battling Kurt Angle. Alberto Del Rio really proved that he can hang with the top echelon of WWE. Del Rio hit an amazing kick on Edge who was on the top rope. They went back and forth until NEXUS invaded. NEXUS minus Barrett, extracted Edge and Del Rio from the ring. Match Rating: 7/10   Post Match Segment David Otunga said that they were taking over. Big Show’s music hits and he is followed ...
Opening Segment Kane opened the show with the Undertaker’s funeral. Kane told the WWE Universe that there is no hope for a return by the Undertaker. Alberto Del Rio made his way to the ring and interrupted Kane. Kane was confused by the reason Del Rio would be in his presence. Del Rio made his case for a World Championship match. Del Rio smacked the urn out of Paul Bearer’s hands and attacked Kane. Mysterio ran into the ring and caused Del Rio to roll out onto the apron. The Rated-R Superstar, Mysterio, hit the 619 on Paul ...

WWE SMACKDOWN 10/22/10 Review: Undertaker Drags Kane to The Abyss

Posted by Jay Brennan On October - 23 - 2010
Opening Segment: The show got started with both teams in the ring with Teddy Long. He told the WWE Universe that he decided that he would allow the Superstars to make the matches tonight. The Miz picked Ezekial Jackson and Sheamus for a six-man tag team match. The Big Show decided to counter RAW’s power with speed and picked Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston. Edge said that he wanted a match with CM Punk. John Morrison called out Alberto Del Rio. Jack Swagger said that he would take on the guy with the worst finisher in the history of the WWE, Santino. It appears that Reilly ...

WWE SMACKDOWN 10/15/10 Review: The Miz, Team Raw Had No Chance

Posted by Jay Brennan On October - 16 - 2010
Opening Segment Teddy Long made the announcement that tonight will feature qualifying matches for Team Smackdown. Team Raw consists of CM Punk, John Morrison, Sheamus, R-Truth, Santino, and the Team Captain: The Miz. Not a big surprise that Smackdown would go with the qualifying matches. But wouldn’t it be smarter for the GM to hand pick his team to make sure he has the best team out there? So Santino fought Zack Ryder to qualify for the team? Yet Sheamus had to beat Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd battled Morrison and R-Truth took on Ted Dibiase? RAW would have been better served to ...

WWE Smackdown Review: They Have The Edge at Bragging Rights

Posted by Jay Brennan On October - 10 - 2010
Edge vs. Jack Swagger Match Teddy Long introduced Edge, who received a huge pop from the WWE Universe. Edge defeated Swagger after a spear. I am not sure why they felt it was necessary to add Michael Cole to the announcing team. I believe Stryker and Todd were a great team. It appears that Swagger is in this program with Edge to put him over as heel. I prefer the ruthless persona of Swagger over his current silly "Eagle mascot" gimmick. The man was world heavyweight champion a few months ago, and now he is stuck with this? Who would have thought that both ...
(World Champion) Kane vs. Chris Masters Match:   Kane defeated Masters after dropping him with a choke slam followed by a Tombstone. Chris Masters had a surprisingly good showing against the current world champion. He actually had Kane locked up in the Master Lock for a good bit until Kane drove him into the ropes. Masters has been making more appearances on the blue show as of late. He has put his time in since returning to the WWE. There was no fan fare or intriguing program for Masters upon his return. He put in his time jobbing and tagging with a ...

WWE Smackdown Review: The Undertaker Is Sent To Hell

Posted by Jay Brennan On September - 18 - 2010
The Peep Show Segment The show kicked off with Christian being interrupted by Del Rio’s ring announcer. Del Rio then made his entrance in the only way he knows how, in style. Christian slammed Del Rio’s “boring intro videos.” Christian always likes to “shoot” some during his promos. He continued to poke fun at previous gimmicks like the Spirit Squad and the Boogey Man. Del Rio refused to face Christian at Night of Champions, despite receiving a slap to the face from Captain Charisma. This feud will only end with Christian on his back taking the three-count. Del Rio has way too much momentum ...

WWE SMACKDOWN Review: Undertaker Will Never R.I.P.

Posted by Jay Brennan On August - 30 - 2010
World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Rey Mysterio in a No DQ Match:   The Big Red Machine choke slammed Mysterio onto a steel chair for the victory after Kane handled most of the match.   I haven’t the slightest idea how Rey Mysterio would be facing Kane in a match after losing a match clean to a newcomer. In my estimate, that would usually drop you from contention.   Alberto Del Rio confronted Mysterio after the match, later saying Mysterio looked like a “dying dog” that needed to be “put down.” Del Rio threw Mysterio into the ringside guardrail. Del Rio locked in his ...

WWE SMACKDOWN Review: Rey Mysterio’s Epic Fail!

Posted by Jay Brennan On August - 21 - 2010
Mysterio & Del Rio In-Ring Segment:   Mysterio got the show started with his shameless pandering to the crowd. Alberto Del Rio interrupted Mysterio before he can talk about Saturday morning cartoons.   Del Rio’s entrance was a nice touch to his long awaited debut after several vignettes. His Rolls Royce arrival was more stylish than JBL’s limo entrances. His personal Spanish ring announcer was the cherry on top.   Del Rio bashed Mysterio when he stated that Rey’s blood was from the blood of the Tijuana streets. In contrast, Del Rio said that he was a descendant of kings.   Del Rio’s microphone skills ...