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Brock Lesnar made an appearance at the UFC 146 pay-per-view in Las Vegas. This is a noteworthy appearance because Lesnar rarely leaves his compound in rural Minnesota.Rumors swirled on MMA and wrestling sites that Lesnar will leave the WWE to make a return to UFC.These rumors do have a modicum of credibility. Nobody has made an effort to put the flames out yet. In fact, the parties involved—Dana White, WWE and Lesnar—have only intensified the rumors.White did not dismiss the possibility of Lesnar returning to UFC. White also said Lesnar wanted to return to the UFC. Lesnar himself did not rule ...
Once upon a time, little baby Jeff Awesome was watching the United States Wrestling Association in a hospital bed in Memphis, Tennessee.I was literally born watching USWA action.  In the USWA, there were two men who stood out. As a baby, my dad told me about these two men.Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler made me a wrestling fan at birth. Jeff Jarrett's father, Jerry, happened to be the owner of USWA. I evolved as a young wrestling fan in the 1990s. I grew up as a hardcore WCW fan. I didn't watch WWE because I was not allowed to watch it for ...
There are so many things to love about the Rock. His incredible mic skills and charisma along with his entertainment value made him the wrestling legend he is today. Those same traits gave him success as an actor.The walking tomato known as John Cena can't touch the success Rock had on the movie screen or in the ring. That vastly overrated Jabroni will not be mentioned by name anymore.Please understand the frequent use of sarcasm in this slideshow. With that cleared up here is my video tribute to the Rock.Begin Slideshow

2011 TNA Lockdown: Recap, Results, and Analysis of the Pay-Per-View

Posted by Jeff Awesome On April - 17 - 2011
Welcome to US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio! All of tonight's matches were inside a steel cage. Here were the matches in order tonight. The times are approximate. Fortune vs. Immortal in a Lethal Lockdown match- 25 minutes Sting (C) vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Mr Anderson for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship- 8 minutes Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett—two out of three falls match- 22 minutes Madison Rayne (C) vs. Mickie James for the TNA Knockouts Championsip- 2 minutes Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez- 12 minutes Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe- 10 minutes Four-Way Tag Team Match: British Invasion ...

WWE Extreme Rules Preview: Could This Be the Worst Pay-Per-View Ever?

Posted by Jeff Awesome On April - 14 - 2011
HUMOR—For those who have read my articles before, you know what my specialty is as a writer. My specialty is to write fantasy pay-per-view predictions. While none of these are accurate I try to make the best possible pay-per-views money can buy.But shocking news has made me change my stance on the Extreme Rules prediction I was going to throw out. Edge's retirement and vacation of the World Heavyweight Championship has changed the landscape of WWE forever. Burning questions plague the future of Smackdown as a whole.Maybe Christian will get his main event push? Maybe Del Rio can get a ...
After writing my WrestleMania 27 article, I have decided forecast WrestleMania 28. Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida will be the venue for this fantastic pay-per-view. Barring injury or change of plans, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will wrestle for the first time in eight years, when he wrestles nemesis John Cena. Undertaker may not be physically able to compete, but his toughness is undeniable. I will assume he is physically able to put on one more match. I see both Edge and Rey Mysterio staying around for WrestleMania as well.  At last WrestleMania, there weren't any dream matches except for Triple H-Taker. This time, ...

Total Nonstop Hatred: Why All the Hate on TNA Wrestling?

Posted by Jeff Awesome On March - 20 - 2011
Disclaimer: this article contains part humorous and part serious aspects. I am not a WWE or TNA hater and I watch both on a semi-regular basis. After writing a quasi-fantasy pay-per-view for Lockdown, I felt a special urge to write another TNA article.By the way, the Lockdown article can be viewed here.TNA's previous pay-per-view, Victory Road, resulted in significant and justified backlash on TNA after Jeff Hardy, the anointed face of the company, wrestled Sting while under a foreign influence.The Sting-Hardy match only lasted a minute in order to protect both Sting and Hardy.But you already know that.I have coined a ...
"Live to you from US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio!" announces the often dry play by play man Mike "The Professor" Tenay. If I had a professor like him, I'd take a back row seat and take a nice long nap."Lockdown! Violence! Mayhem! It's the definition of what hardcore wrestling is about!" yells the much more interesting Tazz.As we all know, the Victory Road main event took TNA down a road not to victory, but to destruction. Jeff Hardy and Sting wrestled a minute long match reminiscent of the dying days of WCW.However, the past is in the past. No ...
"Jim Ross coming to you live from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia!" The legendary announcer declares as he is making a return to the commentary booth."Oh man! It's going to be a good one!" Jerry Lawler replies to Jim Ross.Finally Michael Cole has been replaced by JR for just this one pay-per-view. He is preparing for his 2-on-1 handicap match with Alex Riley versus Jerry Lawler.This version of Wrestlemania has great potential. A WCW-themed Wrestlemania can bring out the nostalgia of the old WCW fans and revive the interests of the downtrodden WWE fans.Just let me make some suggestions ...
So many WrestleMania "Fantasy Predictions" have been thrown out there. Regardless of what time of year it is, WrestleMania has always been a hot topic.But what about making a real fantasy prediction? A prediction that ties in beautifully to the WCW theme of this historic pay-per-view.IWC members have decried the cheap ripoff of WCW known as TNA for too long. Vince McMahon steps in and uses his money "up north" to buy TNA.Realistically this will not happen. WWE has no gain or interest in purchasing TNA nor will Vince McMahon patch things up with all the TNA guys who recently ...