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WWE Wrestlemania 27: The Miz Def. John Cena

Posted by Jeff Langridge On April - 3 - 2011
Wow! Boy was I wrong.Before the match began, both Miz and Cena had very nice videos leading up to their entrances. Cena's special entrance this year was entering to a gospel choir. I have to mention this, Alex Riley accompanied the Miz and the jacket he was wearing made him look like a bedazzled band team member.As for the match itself, it was better than I thought it would be. At one point, both Cena and Miz were counted out. Just as Justin Roberts announced the double count-out and the Miz as still the WWE Champion, The Rock's music hit.He ...
It's almost here. We're under 30 minutes away from WrestleMania 27. I will be here throughout the night recapping the matches as soon as they are over. But first, some news about a change to a match at WrestleMania. At the the WrestleMania Axxess event today, the Corre "injured" Vladimir Kozlov keeping him from competing in the eight-man tag match. He has been replaced by Kofi Kingston, who lost the Intercontinental Championship to Wade Barrett on the March 25th edition of Smackdown. He was also originally supposed to be in this match before WWE decided to put Christian with Edge ...
We are only 10 hours away from the biggest pay-per-view of the year. The Show of Shows. WrestleMania 27. This year’s ‘Mania has a chance to be one of the best ever, with multiple matches that could steal the show. Not to mention what will happen with The Rock’s involvement and his inevitable confrontation with John Cena. I’m going to get straight to the predictions.   United States Championship                                                  Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan One of two matches that could potentially start off the show. If given time this match could be an early show stealer, but then again every Daniel Bryan match has the chance to ...

WWE WrestleMania 27: Why Jerry Lawler Will Top Michael Cole

Posted by Jeff Langridge On March - 30 - 2011
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole has become one of the most talked-about matches leading into WrestleMania 27.Some people believe that Cole will beat Lawler to shock the audience, but there is just not much logic in that way of thought. There are so many more reasons why Lawler will win.While I could go on longer, I'll limit the list of reasons to 10.Begin Slideshow

Wrestlemania 27: Why Are Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler Getting No Respect?

Posted by Jeff Langridge On March - 16 - 2011
Ever since the IWC found out that WWE was planning to have Michael Cole face Jerry Lawler at Wrestlemania, they immediately started voicing their displeasure. I am asking, why? Will they give us a five star classic? Absolutely not, but I'm not expecting them too. Amazingly, WWE is putting a lot of thought into this feud, trying to get us invested in it. Jerry Lawler has never had a Wrestlemania match, and if anyone deserves one, it's him. Now at 61, it would not make any sense for him to feud with any of the main event roster leading into Wrestlemania. Yes, I ...
WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN Wow, how has WWE booked this event with only four matches. It seems that WWE is so focused on Wrestlemania that they have forgotten they have a pay-per-view this Sunday. With only four matches booked, as of right now, and no matches added on Smackdown, it appears that WWE will give us a couple of "bonus" matches. What those matches will be is anyone's guess, because I see only one match that most likely will be added, and I'm not looking forward to it. From what we have been seeing from the divas as of late, ...

Chris Jericho: How Close Is He To Returning To The WWE?

Posted by Jeff Langridge On February - 1 - 2011
Just when I was sure that Chris Jericho was not going to return to WWE for quite some time, something happens that changes my mind. In an interview with, Jericho gave us some comments that lead me to believe he'll be back sooner than I thought. Jericho said about returning to the WWE,  "I consider it always because it's not like it was in 2005 where I was sick of wrestling... Sick of it is maybe a harsh word. Disenchanted, I guess, is a better word. I wasn't disenchanted when I left in September. It was just my contract ...

WWE Royal Rumble 2011: 40 Men Enter, 1 Man Wins, But Who? My Predictions

Posted by Jeff Langridge On January - 26 - 2011
The 2011 Royal Rumble has one thing that many of the past few Royal Rumbles have had: unpredictability. It seems the only times that we didn't know the winner of the Rumble in past years is when the winner was returning from an injury, such as Edge last year and John Cena in 2008. This year, it could be of one of five to 10 people, and I'm being generous with the 10.Also, in past years, there have been four, even five preliminary matches prior to the Royal Rumble match. This year there are only three other matches, although there ...

WWE Royal Rumble 2011: The Most Likely Winners

Posted by Jeff Langridge On January - 18 - 2011
The 2011 Royal Rumble is less than two weeks away and the WWE has thrown us a curve ball announcing that there will 40 competitors this year.Never mind the extra bodies in the ring, the number of potential winners is still in single digits. The superstars in this list have the potential to make a good to great storyline heading into Wrestlemania.Begin Slideshow

Mason Ryan Makes a Huge Impact in His WWE Raw Debut

Posted by Jeff Langridge On January - 18 - 2011
Tonight on Raw, Mason Ryan made his long awaited debut. During the match between John Cena and CM Punk, Ryan came into the ring, got onto the apron, distracting Cena.Punk then got rid of Cena and allowed himself to be kicked by Ryan, causing a disqualification. This brought the rest of Nexus out. Ryan put his finisher on Cena, which is basically the same as David Otunga's and Vladimir Kozlov's, except he lays out as he's finishing it.Punk then got up and stood in front of Ryan, backed by Nexus. Ryan then got down on one knee and stuck his ...