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So World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. is now looking to simply be WWE Inc. to promote a new image. If history tells us anything, it is that which does not evolve will be left in the dust to be forgotten. Vince McMahon, the most insane genius I have ever seen, may be on to something when he is going for a "Bigger, Better, Badder" company. A lot of us are wondering whether this change to drop "wrestling" in favor of "entertainment" will do justice for WWE in terms of creating a global empire. Sure, Vince has acknowledged that they will continue to deliver more ...

WWE WrestleMania 27: My Personal Predictions & Outcomes

Posted by Jesse Soto On March - 31 - 2011
So, I think it is time I give you my personal outcomes and decisions to WrestleMania XXVII, as I know many of you have your own and I welcome everybody to give me their predictions. But I base mine on three factors:01. Business perspective - who is bringing home the bacon.02. Stardom - the Superstar's popularity within WWE.03. Storylines - will the feud end that night or start a new revolution.So based on the three factors considered, let's begin in the order of the first opening match to the main event! Here we go!Begin Slideshow

WrestleMania XXVII: Can the WWE Afford the Stardom?

Posted by Jesse Soto On March - 9 - 2011
Good day to all, I have kept to myself for a while simply reading articles here on Bleacher Report and watching WWE for further developments for WrestleMania XXVII, which of course happens on Sunday, April 3, 2011.This article is to anyone who wishes to engage in an intellectual discussion involving economic principles. So here we go! It is no secret that this has to be one of the most buzz-generating events in a long time. It is also no secret that WWE is losing money as well, due to their reports on the fourth financial quarter which meant that the ...

Alberto Del Rio: WWE’s Spoiled Boy? PLUS: His Comments to Mistico!

Posted by Jesse Soto On February - 17 - 2011 recently released an article on Alberto Del Rio and some backstage issues he has about a certain new wrestler coming to WWE. "Several sources are under the impression that Alberto Del Rio isn’t thrilled about Mistico coming to WWE. Del Rio realizes Rey Mysterio’s WWE run probably won’t last another five years, and he doesn’t want any competition in that top Hispanic role." Now obviously, Del Rio is going to be a top competitor in WWE, but something about him is just off to me. He wants to be the top Hispanic male in the company? Sounds like ...
So it's settled! The Great One, The People's Champion, The Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment: The Rock has come back home!He came back with a strong thunder and lightning to take on Mr. Fruity Pebbles who likes to play Peek-A-Boo! Plus, what really did it for me was when he FINALLY put Michael Cole in his damn place! (No doubt we are going to hear Cole whine next Monday night and at WWE Elimination Chamber).When watching WWE Raw, I noticed that the majority of those cheering him were the older fans and the little kids dressed in Cena fashion were ...