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Author Archive

The WWE Royal Rumble 2010: Who Will Win? Guess Who Style

Posted by Jev On November - 28 - 2009
The road to WrestleMania is slowly working it's way round again, with the start barely over the horizon in the form of the Royal Rumble. Soon enough, the big question will be at the forefront of everyone's mind again; who is going to win? The Rumble may seem a little too distant to start contemplating such matters, but as current efforts seem solely focussed on deciphering the turbulent world title scene and other goings-on across the world of the WWE, I thought I would give some direction to the chaos by offering up some candidates to take the Royal Rumble crown. I thought ...
For those unaware of this Creature vs. Creature, the topic in on "the worst wrestler in the WWE toady," organised by Svyato Rovenchuk. My entry, as is apparent from the title, is on The Great Khali. If you still want to get involved with the CvC, just ask Svyato, and he'll let you know which wrestlers are already taken. Anyway, on to my article... A packed courtroom is in attendance to witness the trial of The Great Khali, charged with being the worst wrestler currently in the WWE. Many of his World Wrestling Entertainment colleagues are in attendance, and most seem noticeably ...
Cast your mind back to before WrestleMania XXV. Cast your mind back to a tag team division riddled with inadequacy. Cast your mind back to a tag team division on the brink of extinction due to depleted numbers from recent cuts, barely making it onto our screens through sheer embarrassment. Wasn’t it dull? Wasn’t it repetitive? Wasn’t it upsetting? The short fallings of this division were no secret to anyone, and with good reason. Relatively inexperienced teams were forced to compete with each other on too regular of a basis, and the whole experience grew stale faster than an old piece of bread. It frankly disgusted us ...

Handing Over My Competition

Posted by Jev On September - 20 - 2009
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around B/R for quite a while, and you would be right, as frankly I just haven't had the time for it. Many of you will have experienced similar periods in time where writing a blog about wrestling just has to take a back seat in your life, and I am smack bang in the middle of one. With that being said, the reason for writing this article is simply that I want to hand over my concept for a prediction competition to somebody who has a little more time for this ...

WWE SummerSlam 2009 Prediction Competition

Posted by Jev On August - 20 - 2009
SummerSlam is certainly gearing up to be one of the hottest parties of the summer. With matches arranged such as Jeff Hardy versus CM Punk in TLC, the recently reformed DX taking on Legacy, and Randy Orton defending his WWE crown against John Cena, there is little room to be disappointed. With Sunday drawing ever closer, it must be time again for all you brave Bleacher Creatures in the Wrestling Section to get you predictions in, in a bid to be dubbed the most accurate soothsayer in these parts. For anyone who doesn’t know how this works, it’s simple; make you picks ...
We are all now very familiar with the stable Legacy which is led by WWE Champion, Randy Orton. For the past few months, they have been asserting their dominance where they feel necessary, usually to the aid of Orton. But through these actions, the development of both Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase has been stunted. Their time has been focused far too primarily on Orton’s success and not enough on their own. Understandably, members of a group like Legacy must aid each others endeavors, but it can become too biased. Their association with Orton can only take them so far; eventually they must carve their own ...
I knew as soon as I heard the topic of this Creature versus Creature who I wanted to get my hands on, and I was lucky enough to do so. Chyna—the ninth wonder of the world. Okay, perhaps that title is a little cheesy, but the magnitude of its implications is not too distant from the truth from a female wrestling standpoint. Chyna was something never witnessed before, something unique. There may have been powerful women in the wrestling spotlight before her, but the scale of the audience that Chyna was being exposed to during her time in the WWF was unprecedented for ...
The Night Of Champions pay-per-view has come and gone, and the road to SummerSlam has begun. New champions were crowned, partners were revealed, and rivalries forged, but who among you saw these events coming? I don’t think anyone was predicting The Big Show as Jericho’s partner, and there were few that thought Jeff Hardy and Christian would take away the gold. But, that is the way the WWE goes, as unpredictable as ever. Nevertheless, 66 of you were brave enough to take part in this prediction competition, with varied success, but who came out on top of the pack? For rules and ...