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Author Archive

Big WWE Diva Trade: Some Good, Some Just Plain Stupid!

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 13 - 2009
As we heard on WWE RAW last night, Access Hollywood's Nancy O'Dell engineered a divas trade with the other GMs over the weekend. But of course, let's cut the kayfabe. O'Dell didn't really do this, it was all the WWE's doing. Some of the trades were made to help the brands out, because apparently the creative teams for both shows feel they have "done all they can do" with the female talent they had. Some of the trades make sense, because they can help out the rosters they went to. Others are quite stupid, and I feel they should not have been ...

Lacey Von Erich: Yeah, She Is Hot, But a Great Pro Wrestler She Is Not!

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 10 - 2009
When I heard that Lacey Von Erich was signed to TNA Wrestling, I immediately thought she would be like Lauren or So Cal Val. You know, one of the people there to look good, occasionally ask questions, and stay away from in-ring action. But, when I saw she was taking the place of Angelina Love in "The Beautiful People", I immediately was taken back. Love was released for contract issues; her Visa was not handled correctly since day one in TNA, when TNA realized they could have the law on their back, they were forced to release the former Knockout ...

Booker T and Scott Steiner Gone Soon and RVD Coming In? Big TNA News

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 8 - 2009
As we all know in the world of professional wrestling, there are rumors but also surprising facts out there. This seems to be straddling the line a bit, but this "rumor" looks to be fact. Booker T has been very upset with TNA in recent months, and it pretty much came to a head in their overseas tour. While in Switzerland, Booker T was supposed to be in the main event along with Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle as his partners vs Beer Money and Hernandez. Steiner decided to rip apart the Swiss flag, which made the fans very unhappy naturally. So, ...

Booker T and Scott Steiner Gone Soon and RVD Coming in? Big TNA News

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 8 - 2009
As we all know in the world of professional wrestling, there are rumors but also surprising facts out there. This seems to be straddling the line a bit, but this "rumor" looks to be fact. Booker T has been very upset with TNA in recent months, and it pretty much came to a head in their overseas tour. While in Switzerland, Booker T was supposed to be in the main event along with Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle as his partners vs Beer Money and Hernandez. Steiner decided to rip apart the Swiss flag, which made the fans very unhappy naturally. So, ...

Sad, Sad Day: WWE Hall Of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper May Be Gone Soon

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 7 - 2009
When a guy such as myself reads something involving news, I expect to read backstage stuff or possibly a spoiler. But, I am sorry to say I don't have that for you today, but some news that may not be fun to read. It has been reported over the past few days that WWE Hall of Famer "Rowdy" Roddy Piper had been pulling out of events citing serious illness.  No one, not even Piper really knew what was wrong. This led to a trip to the doctor, but he didn't leave with a smile. It is being rumored that he found out ...

The WWE Looks At Webster’s Dictionary: Its Picture Is Next to Stupidity

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 5 - 2009
Last night we saw the WWE's newest gimmick PPV, known simply as Hell in a Cell. While I am not so much happy with the name, that was never my concern. My main concern was the stupidity of having a gimmick PPV to begin with. Seriously people, do we really need three Hell in a Cell matches in one night? I don't think so. And what makes it even less appealing is that blood was not involved at all. And as I mentioned in a previous article, the WWE didn't want to do as much with the cage as they did ...

WWE SmackDown: Some Very Interesting Things People Should Know From Last Night

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 3 - 2009
As many of us WWE fans know, last night was the 10th year of SmackDown. The show used to be on Thursday nights, then moved to Fridays a few years back. Many thought it was because of the competition it was facing on Thursday, however the ratings were better on Thursday than they were when they switched to Fridays. But, I digress. Last night was really fun to watch. The Rock made a special message for all of us to watch, and mentioned he may host RAW one day. I think he will host after he wraps up his latest film project. You ...

Faces Are Dominating the WWE? What Show Are You Watching?

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On October - 2 - 2009
One thing I have been hearing lately is that the WWE is mistreating their heels. That the heels are being put down and the faces are the only ones dominating. I think that is complete crap, and whoever thinks otherwise needs to read this. Right now we have three heels holding titles in the WWE in Big Show and Chris Jericho with the Unified Tag Titles and CM Punk with the World Heavyweight Championship. They are all doing well, too—Show and Jericho make trips to both RAW and SmackDown a good bit. Jericho is a floater heel, competing a good bit on both ...

Are The Gimmick PPVs a Good Or Bad Move For Pro Wrestling?

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On September - 30 - 2009
This Sunday we are going to see a new PPV taking the place of No Mercy called Hell in a Cell. It is going to be centered around the name of course, having all the main events in Hell in a Cell matches. It makes one think why the WWE would go through with such a match with a PG format because there can be no planned blood. Then it becomes even dumber because all of the main events are going to be one after the other. So that means three Hell in a Cell matches back to back to back. I am sure ...

The Status of TNA’s Beautiful People: Will It Now Be a Joke?

Posted by Joe Burgett The BR Superstar On September - 25 - 2009
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past two years, or are not a wrestling fan, you have heard of TNA's "Beautiful People."  The group started with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, yet this past year they also added Madison Rayne. The group was basically a throwback to what you would see in high school: the hot cheerleaders putting down all the other girls who weren't as good in their eyes.  The greatest part about it is that, in the wrestling world, it has hardly ever been seen, especially for a long period of time. It continues to succeed.  ...